1 . Sketch the waveforms for the load current and voltage for Figure 2-73. Show the peak values.
3 . Consider the circuit in Figure 2-75.
• (a) What type of circuit is this?
• (b) What is the total peak secondary voltage?
• (c) Find the peak voltage across each half of the secondary.
• (d) Sketch the voltage waveform across RL.
• (e) What is the peak current through each diode?
• (f) What is the PIV for each diode?
16. To what value must R be adjusted in Figure 2-79 to make IZ = 40 mA? Assume that VZ = 12 V at 30 mA and ZZ = 30Ω.
17 . Assume the output of a zener regulator circuit drops from 8.0 V with no load to 7.8 V with a 500Ω load. What is the percent load regulation?
18. Each part of Figure 2-84 shows oscilloscope displays of rectifier output voltages. In each case, determine whether or not the rectifier is functioning properly and, if it is not, what is (are) the most likely failure(s). Assume all displays are set for the same time per division.