1: Using the following data set on hospital admissions, define the service area fo Hospital A, based only on quantitative factors ( Table 5 ).
2: Compute the target bed capacity of Cheswick Community Hospital 10 years from now, based on the following information:
Assume current population of Cheswick Hospital's service area =145,000
Assume project population increase of 8% in service area over the next 10 years.
Table 5 Hospital Admissions, by Community
Community Hospital A Hospital B Hospital C Other Hospitals
North 45 64 76 123
South 159 324 12 521
East 65 24 137 311
West 145 68 95 113
Central 32 56 78 159
Upper 29 84 45 814
Lower 37 14 8 57
Assume a future admission rate per 1000 of 102.
Assume average length of stay of 4.7 days in 10 years.
Assume a target occupancy rate of 78% in 10 years.
3: Newgroventon is a community of 445,000. In the most recent year, there were 750 new cases of diseases A in the community. Assume the expected incidence rate for disease A is 245 per 100,000 people. Was the community's experience better or worse than expected? Explain your answer.