High-End Boutique is a prestigious retail store that specializes in clothing for customers in their mid-40's to mid-50's who don’t want to admit that they are aging. High-End Boutique entered into a contract to purchase 200 pairs of designer shirts each month for the 2015 calendar year. The shirts were to be delivered by the fifth day of each month. For the February order, High-End Boutique ordered 40 red skirts and 60 blue skirts. When High-End Boutique received, the order it contained 60 red skirts, 10 blue skirts, and 30 green skirts. The order was delivered late in the day on February 12th.. High-End Boutique is upset because the proper goods were not delivered. On February 14th, High-End Boutique sent an e-mail to the supplier saying that it was keeping 20 of the green skirts and 20 of the red skirts, and rejecting all the others, including all the skirts for the other 11 shipments. Discuss the legal issues likely to arise when the supplier objects to these actions. Assume that there are no contract provisions addressing any of the legal issues that might arise. (Specify what rule would apply, why, and who would win and why?