Assume that the job separation rate s is 001 1 per month

Assume that the job separation rate s is 0.01 (1%) per month and that the job finding rate f is 0.2 (20%) per month.

Assume that the labor force today (period t = 0) is 100 million.

(a) What is the steady state unemployment rate for this economy?

(b) Given that L = 100 million, what is the steady state number of employed E and unemployed U today in period t = 0?

(c) Assume U.S. immigration policy changed tomorrow (period t = 1) such that we allowed more people to enter the country and L increased to 110 million from its inital value of 100 million. Assume that these new entrants would be unemployed first and then find jobs at the job finding rate f .That is, at time t = 1, the number of unemployed is U1 =U+10 million, and the number of employed equals E1 = E. Create a table (maybe in Excel) that shows how Et , Ut , and Ut=L evolve over time, given s = 0:01 and f = 0:2, starting at t = 1 and ending when the unemployment rate reaches its steady state U=L rounded to the nearest thousandth (tenth of a percent).

(d) In the table from the previous scenario, how many periods does it take for the unemployment rate to reach its steady state level rounded to the nearest thousandth (tenth of a percent)?

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Business Economics: Assume that the job separation rate s is 001 1 per month
Reference No:- TGS01302981

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