Assume that on January 27, 2016, using news from any source you instruct your broker to take either a Long or a Short position in two (2) June (or July) futures contracts of a specific commodity traded on GLOBEX. Examples are Corn, Crude Oil, Live cattle etc. You should take the same position in the two contracts, i.e. either buy 2 June (or July) Futures contracts or sell (short) 2 June (or July) futures contracts. Show how your margin account would be adjusted on a daily basis. The Margin requirements are available from the online resources. In your report include a sentence or two to support your initial “trade”, i.e. why you chose to take a long/short position initially in addition to your table. Note that the example in your text is for a Long position. If you start with a Short position, price changes will have an opposite effect on your gains/losses. Hint: You will need to use the specifications from the Exchange to know what the margin requirement is and the quantity of the commodity underlying each contract.