Assume that for a gas and car wash station one car can be serviced at a time. The arrivals follow a Poisson probability distribution, with an arrival rate of 1 car every 12 minutes and the service times follow an exponential probability distribution, with a service rate of 10 cars per hour.
- What is the probability that the station will be idle?
- What is the average number of cars that will be waiting for service?
- What is the average time a car will be waiting for service?
- What is the average time a car will be at the gas and wash station?
Reference theQueue Template. Submit the 'Queue Template' spreadsheet used.
Assume that for a gas and car wash station one car can be serviced at a time. The arrivals follow a Poisson probability distribution, with an arrival rate of 1 car every 12 minutes and the service times follow an exponential probability distribution, with a service rate of 10 cars per hour.
- What is the probability that the station will be idle?
- What is the average number of cars that will be waiting for service?
- What is the average time a car will be waiting for service?
- What is the average time a car will be at the gas and wash station?
Reference theQueue Template. Submit the 'Queue Template' spreadsheet used.