A) Assume that a transmitter on Earth must communicate with a spacecraft on the Moon. Parameters are: Earth-based atenna gain=40dB Lunar receiving atenna gain=20dB Distance=386,000 Km Frequency= 3GHz Minimum lunar signal level = 100fW What is the power required for the Earth transmitter?
B) Since the lunar atenna in A) is pointed at earth, it will "see" a temperature of about 290 K. The effective noise temperature of the lunar receiver referred to its input is 400 K and the IF bandwidth is 100 kHZ. Neglecting the losses., determine the system carrier-to-noise ratio (in dB) at the lunar receiver output.
C) A pulse radar system has a pulse repetition rate of 50 Hz and a pulse duration of 100 uS. What is the maximum unambiguous range (in km)?
D) For the radar system in C), determine the minimum measurable range E) The effective area of a certain antenna at 300 MHz is 1m^2. What is the absolute gain? F) What is the detected output S/N Ratio (in dB) for an AM receiver with 100% modulation?