Assume a linear velocity profile in a laminar boundary layer on a ?at plate with a zero pressure gradient. Find:
(a) d(x). Compare with the more exact solution and compute the percentage error.
(b) t0ðxÞ.
(c) v at y ¼ d and x ¼ 2 m.
(d) The drag force if the plate is 2-m wide and 4-m long.
8.49 Assume a sinusoidal velocity profile in a laminar boundary layer on a flat plate with a zero pressure gradient using 20-C water with U1 ¼ 1 m=s: Find:
(a) d(x). Compare with the more exact solution and compute the percentage error.
(b) t0ðxÞ.
(c) The drag force if the plate is 2-m wide and 4-m long.