
Associated with each stage is a parasitic input capacitance

Consider the high-frequency response of an amplifier consisting of two identical stages in cascade, each with an input resistance of 10 kΩ and an output resistance of 2 kΩ. The two-stage amplifier is driven from a 10-kΩ source and drives a 1-kΩ load. Associated with each stage is a parasitic input capacitance (to ground) of 10 pF and a arasitic output capacitance (to ground) of 2 pF. Parasitic capacitances of 10 pF and 7 pF also are associated with the signal-source and load connections, respectively. For this arrangement, find the three poles and estimate the 3-dB frequency fH.

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Other Engineering: Associated with each stage is a parasitic input capacitance
Reference No:- TGS01365793

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