
Associated dangers of cosmetic surgery

Discuss the following in a 2 to 3 page:

Section of your outline that incorporates your quantitative research.Whatever approach your outline takes, this is the part of your research report that covers numbers, data, facts, statistics, reporting-from academic-journals, questionnaires, surveys, experiments, and any other methods that collect measurable data, especially as found in academic journals.

Your chosen method(s) and resources for your quantitative research

Your hypothesis

Basic information (type of experiment, description of data collected, etc.)

Your interpretations of the data

How this research supports your thesis statement
If you refer to library resources, such as journals, books, etc. please include a tentative list of references in proper APA format. (If you do this as you go along, it will be much easier for you to make your Annotated Bibliography and your final References Page in the later stages of your project.)

Topic: The hidden effects of cosmetic surgery on women

Research question: Are the associated dangers of cosmetic surgery worth the procedures?

The topic will be addressed from the definition of cosmetic surgery, the types, and conditions leading to its performance and finally the risks and effects associated with undergoing these procedures. The topic is important to me and I chose to research on it after the recently increased frequencies of botched operations. Many women often feel unfulfilled with a particular body part and end up spending so much money on corrective cosmetic surgery. Such women go into the procedure without taking into account the potential dangers that the operations could cause. Medical practitioners also give two sides of the story and advice women on the side effects of these operations. They often ignore the fact that the surgery may not turn out to be as helpful and perfect the way that they intended. I am a believer that everyone is created perfectly, and we are a reflection of beauty, I, therefore, discourage cosmetic surgery and through this research paper, I hope to reach out to younger women who are currently considering such procedures.

The background information for this research will be attained from the journals, recorded experiences from victims and news articles that are related to the study topic. The materials that I would need to achieve this research would be medical journals on cosmetic surgery, testimonies from victims of botched operations, the Bible, medical websites with information about the topic and the government website about the same issue. This research is ideally both a quantitative and qualitative research. It involves the collection of data from observation, interviews, and data from accredited sources and numerical explanations from medical journals. Finally, I anticipate completing the research paper in seven days. This is to allow me to collect enough evidence and information to support my topic.


Negative Effects - How Much Is Too Much. (n.d.). Retrieved from


Cosmetic surgery includes surgical, as well as, nonsurgical procedures, which are carried out with the objective of reshaping certain structures of the body in order to make better one’s appearance and confidence. Healthy people with not only a positive outlook but also realistic expectations are the ideal candidates for cosmetic procedures. The most common cosmetic surgeries involve breast augmentation, facelift surgery, facial implants, fat reduction and many others (Davis, 2013).  Basically, plastic surgery is considered as a personal choice and has to be done for oneself, but not to meet the expectations of other people or in a desperate attempt to fit a certain ideal image. Putting into consideration that cosmetic surgery is elective; it is mostly not covered by health insurances. All cosmetic surgery procedures carry certain level of risk.  Despite the benefit of enhancing of someone’s appearance upon undergoing cosmetic surgery procedures, many question whether it is worth taking the risk with the various dangers associated with such procedures.    
Cosmetic Surgery Complications
Nerve Damage – The probability of suffering from nerve damage is high in various types of surgical procedures. Majority of women experience changes in sensitivity after undergoing augmentation, whereas around 15% lose nipple sensation permanently (Groen et al., 2016).
Hematoma – it is a blood pocket, which resembles an enormous, painful bruise. It affects around 1-6 % of persons who have undergone breast augmentation procedures.  It is also the most complication upon having a facelift.  It is also a risk within almost all surgeries, and in some cases treatment involves extra operations to drain the blood.
Organ Damage-some cosmetic surgery procedures such as liposuction have the potential of being traumatic for internal organs.  Sometimes, visceral perforations or even punctures can emerge once the surgical probe gets into contact with the internal organs. In some cases the perforations turn out to be fatal and repair requires extra surgery. 
Anesthesia Complications-general anesthesia, in the cases whereby medication is utilized to make one unconscious, can contribute to complications. Such complications include stroke, lung infections, heart attacks, and even death (Davis, 2013).  
Scarring-typically, surgery results to some scarring. For instance, hypertrophic scarring is an abnormal red, thick raised scar, which emerges in 2-5% of the breast augmentation procedures. 
Associated Psychological Disorders.
Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) - refers to the anxiety disorder, which makes an individual to have a corrupted view of his or her looks, and spends much time worried about their appearance. For instance, one may be convinced that a scar, which is barely visible, is a major flow which everyone stares at once they meet him or her thus making the victim lose confidence with herself or himself (Veale, 2000). 
Unnecessary Expense-in some cases, there raises the need for additional surgeries after the premier surgery. This can make the process to expensive yet one could have lived a normal life even without undergoing the surgery in the first place. To make the matters worse the succeeding surgeries are mandatory as they are meant to correct an abnormality brought about by the first cosmetic surgery procedure (Groen et al., 2016).
Based on the identified dangers associated with cosmetic surgery, it is outright that people should avoid it at all costs. It can basically be considered as unwise to put someone’s health in jeopardy in the name of fulfilling the desire to appear smart and attractive. Aged people, particularly women, should understand that aging is simply natural and part of life. In the event that they understand and accept the changes that their bodies undergo as a result of getting old, they will not gain interests towards undergoing cosmetic surgery procedures.  Besides, even if one undergoes whatever kind of cosmetic surgery, one cannot succeed in maintaining a youthful look forever in his or her lifetime.     
Davis, K. (2013). Reshaping the female body: The dilemma of cosmetic surgery. Routledge. Groen, J. W., Negenborn, V. L., Twisk, J. W., Ket, J. C., Mullender, M. G., & Smit, J. M. (2016). Autologous fat grafting in cosmetic breast augmentation: a systematic review on radiological safety, complications, volume retention, and patient/surgeon satisfaction. Aesthetic Surgery Journal, sjw105.Veale, D. (2000). Outcome of cosmetic surgery and ‘DIY’surgery in patients with body dysmorphic disorder. The Psychiatrist, 24(6), 218-220.

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