
Assistive devices and therapies for disable people

Block A: Introduction of Disability and Inclusive Education

Answer any one question in 1000 Words:

1) Define the term impairment, disability, handicap with appropriate examples and what are the implications of these in daily life of persons with disabilities?

2) How many chapters are there in PWD Act, 1995? Give the brief introduction about all the chapters.

3) What is the Team Approach in Inclusive Education? Who are the key players of the team and describe their functions also in brief?

Block B: Early Identification, Assessment and Intervention

Answer any one question in 1000 Words:

1) Write a short note on Erikson’s theory of social development. How is it relevant in present days in social development of children with disabilities?

2) Describe the guidelines of identification and assessment in the classroom of children with disabilities in brief.

3) What are the different models of early intervention? Describe the role of Precision Teaching Methods of Portage in Early Intervention of children with disabilities.

Block C: Education of Children with Disabilities

Answer any of questions in 1000 words:

1) What are the techniques and principles of behavior management?

2) What is the importance of teaching learning material for children with disabilities describes with two examples?

3) Discuss the curriculum adaptation for children with disabilities.
Block D: Assistive Devices and Therapies

Answer any one question in 1000 Words:

1) What is the concept of Braille? What are the points should be kept in mind while writing Braille?

2) What is Sensory Development? What are the steps will you follow as a teacher in developing Auditory Sense of children with Visual Impairment?

3) What are the various assistive devices for children with spinal injury? Write a sort note on importance of these devices.

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Other Subject: Assistive devices and therapies for disable people
Reference No:- TGS02197

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