
Assignment two - unix shell programming - kit501 system

This is an individual assignment. There are three (3) shell programming tasks in this assignment.

You are required to make a directory named kit501agn2 under your home directory (on alacritas), and use kit501agn2 as your working directory for this assignment. Your assignment will be marked on alacritas, one of our School's UNIX servers.

Task A

Write a shell script (to run on the Bourne shell) that can be used to remove some old C programs you no longer wish to keep. When the script is run with no arguments supplied, it picks up each C program from the current directory and lists the first 10 lines (hint: research the head command). It then prompts for deletion of the file (the user can then choose to delete or not to delete the file). When the user supplies arguments (C program file names) with the script, it works on those files only.

Your script for this task must be named delC.sh. In designing your script you should consider the following scenarios:

- There is no C program file stored under the current directory;
- There is at least one C program file stored under the current directory;
- The user-supplied arguments list contains names of existing C programs stored under the current directory. We can assume that all the C programs have been correctly named as *.c, and that there is no special character (such as space) in any of these filenames;
- The user-supplied arguments list contains both existing and missing names of C programs stored under the current directory. Missing names refer to the files which no longer exist under the current directory.

Make sure your script is user-friendly and follows common sense (for example, when there is no C program stored under the current directory your script should display a message and then exit). The following is a sample output of the script. The $ is the shell prompt.

Task B

Write a shell script (to run on the Bourne shell) that runs an infinite loop to monitor the creation and removal of .pdf or .PDF files under the current directory. Every 3 seconds it should display a list of those filenames created or removed after the previous display. Without loss of practical significance of this utility, we can assume that the time interval between creation of a .PDF or .pdf file and removal of a .PDF or .pdf file is over 3 seconds, which means that it's unnecessary for your script to handle the situation where creation of a file is followed by immediate removal of a file. (Hint: research the cmp and comm commands.)

Your script for this task must be named pdf.sh. The following is a sample output of the script (It is OK that the script leaves behind a temporary file when it is finally interrupted). The $ is the shell prompt.

Task C

Write a shell script (to run on the Bourne shell) that allows a user to view or delete a setting in a configuration file (config.txt) that contains settings in the form variable=value. The following is an example of such configuration file:

For All Your Scripts
You must
- Include your name, student ID, and a brief introduction of what the script does in all your shell scripts, as a comment in the beginning of each script.
- Make your scripts run on the Bourne shell, regardless of which shell the user of your scripts is currently on.
- Add in-line comments to help other people understand your scripts.
- Use "\n" where appropriate to make the output of your scripts more readable.
- Note that your script structure and layout are also important as they will be marked as part of the assessment process.

Attachment:- A2.rar

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Computer Engineering: Assignment two - unix shell programming - kit501 system
Reference No:- TGS01604129

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