
Assignment to encourage concise and economical writing

Length: 1200 - 1500 words plus a broad standardisation

The purpose of the assignment is to give you an opportunity to use the skills developed throughout the unit, and in particular in the final section of the unit, to evaluate an extended argument text. You should evaluate the argument you choose using any of the methods we have covered that you consider relevant.

One of the points of this assignment is to encourage concise and economical writing. Assignments that are much longer than 1500 words (not including the standardisation) will not be favourably viewed: the excess words may not be marked. Note that the course notes for weeks 10-13 include discussion of how to go about the task of analysing an argument text, and a sample evaluation.You will find a marking rubric at the end of this assignment.


Beware of plagiarism: the wrongful use of ideas that are not yours as if they were your own. This includes copying work from other students, and from the course notes.


You need to submit your assignment through Turn-It-In before depositing the hard copy in the assignment box at the front counter of SIBT administration with an attached cover sheet. Please write the turn-It-In receipt number on the cover sheet.

Extensions and special consideration:

Any requests for extensions will not normally be considered due to the extended nature of the assignment. If extreme circumstances are encountered, applications for special consideration must be made before the due date via special consideration procedures through SIBT administration. Note that other assessment commitments will not beconsidered grounds for an extension.

Assignments that are handed in later than the due date will lose 1 mark for each day late. If you are prevented by illness or unavoidable disruption from submitting work by the due date and have not received an extension in advance, you will need to submit an application for special consideration to the SIBT office.

Read the article "The Anti-Abortion Lobby is Barbaric" by Tanya Gold, https://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2013/apr/22/anti-abortion-lobby-babrbaric

Give an evaluation of the article considering any of the issues we have discussed in the course. Begin by giving a broad standardisation of the argument.

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Other Subject: Assignment to encourage concise and economical writing
Reference No:- TGS0551916

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