assignment this is a graded assignment that is a

ASSIGNMENT THIS IS A GRADED ASSIGNMENT THAT IS A COURSE REQUIREMENT? Select one specific product (For example: iPhone Levi jeans, Adidas sports shoes, Chevrolet Volt)? Select one of the demographic groups identified in the class textbook "MKTG 6", Chapter 4, under Learning Objective 3 (tweens, teens, Generation Y, Generation X, and baby boomers)? In essay form explain how each of the four elements of the marketing mix can be used to market the selected product to the selected demographic group. ? As this is an essay and opinion piece, there should be no need to use an outside source. However, if any copyrighted material is used (including articles or websites), a proper academic cite of the source is to be included. ? Format to use:? Font: 12 point Times Roman? Double space? 5 space indenting on paragraphs? There should be paragraphs? 1 inch margins on all four sides? Work is to be the original work of the student. ? The student's name and class section is to be on the paper. ? The product and the demographic group are to be included in the paper title. ? Submit the assignment as a Word document? This paper is to be a full two-page paper - no more; no less. Grading will be based on? Inclusion of all required elements? Following the above directions? Grammar and proper sentence structure? Submission by the deadline? The work being the original work of the student SUGGESTION: Do not wait until the last day to submit the assignment. Submit the assignment prior to the last day to ensure it is properly received by the deadline. It is best to turn the assignment in early as life happens and the deadline is the deadline.

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Reference No:- TGS0379325

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