
Assignment relates to your plans to establish a business to


This assignment relates to your plans to establish a business to manufacture and sell, for profit, the electronic device that you are prototyping.

Group Report

You are required to produce the following for the electronic device referred to above:

1. A comprehensive market analysis and marketing plan.

2. A full Product Design Specification (PDS).

3. An investigation into the environmental issues and regulatory requirements associated with the manufacture of your product.

The report should be compiled as a joint effort using your portfolio work and investigations. The report should stand alone and its content, purpose and conclusions should be capable of being understood by an engineer who has not been involved with your project.

Although each member is expected to contribute individually, everyone should be involved in the final drafting to ensure coherence and consistency in style and content. All work should be original and all quotations and references to other work appropriately referenced.

You must submit a single Word document via Turnitin. Your front sheet should identify your group and the group members. You must insert graphs, figures and tables etc into the Word document

Group Presentation

Although each member is expected to contribute individually, everyone should be involved in the final drafting to ensure coherence and consistency in style and content. The report should be as concise as possible and should not exceed 18 pages of typed A4. All work should be original and all quotations and references to other work appropriately referenced.

Your group will deliver the presentation to a panel consisting of industrialists and academics. A brief question and answer session will follow. Some feedback will be given during this session but more comprehensive written feedback will be provided later.

It is impractical to have eight members delivering a presentation so you will have to pick two to four people to carry out this task. All group members should, however, be present for the presentation. You will all have to indicate what contribution you made to the assignment and be prepared to answer questions in the question and answer session.

You must submit a single PowerPoint file via Turnitin before it is delivered. Your initial slide should identify your group and the group members.

As part of this assignment you are required to fill out and return a ‘Peer Group Assessment' form. (Available on Blackboard) The submission of a form is an integral part of your assignment. If you don't submit a form (without valid excuse) you will not receive a mark.

To prepare for this assignment the group should convene a meeting to agree and allocate tasks with realistic deadlines. Responsibilities for tasks should be recorded in the minutes of the meeting and emailed to me. If there is serious disagreement over the quality of content submitted by individuals then I will decide whether to mark that section individually or not. In the event of a group member failing to submit work to the group for inclusion, that member will receive no marks.

It is very important that, as individuals, you communicate effectively in your groups as you prepare this assignment. If you hit difficulties that might affect deadlines you must inform the rest of the group in good time. Make sure you all know how to contact each other and make sure you are contactable. If you feel it is necessary to criticise fellow group members then ensure that your criticism is constructive. (No other form of criticism is acceptable.)

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Business Management: Assignment relates to your plans to establish a business to
Reference No:- TGS01256000

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