
Assignment purpose to learn what constitutes a useful

Assignment: Report Database: https://mgt2.buffalo.edu/departments/mss/djmurray/mgs351/ReportAssignment.accdb

Assignment Purpose: To learn what constitutes a useful report.

Assignment Deliverables: You are tasked with creating 2 useful reports from the database provided. These reports will be submitted, in hard copy, during your assigned recitation. For each report, you need to write 3 – 5 sentences explaining why your report is useful. These write-ups will also be submitted, in hard copy, during your assigned recitation.

Report Requirements: In the report footers, place a label that reads: “Report Prepared by: your name” (where “your name” is your first and last name).


1. Everything needed for this assignment is already provided to you; you do not need to enter new information or create / modify relationships.

2. If you feel that the information provided is not enough to generate reports; you are encouraged to create queries and base your reports on them.

3. When generating reports, try to stay away from building your reports from solitary tables; look more to how the entities interact with eachother.

4. Formatting is key; grading will not only be based upon the information in reports, but also how that information is presented (font, logo, spacing, etc.).

5. When working on this assignment, consider the data given to you and try to identify information that management would benefit from having

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Business Management: Assignment purpose to learn what constitutes a useful
Reference No:- TGS02869373

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