
Assignment project based on mini team sports game simulation

Assignment Project: Mini Team Sports Game Simulation

Project Requirement: UML Diagram document

Your program must include

1. Class design

Must have classes such as person, player, referee, game class etc.

2. Method/function blocks

Design your own methods (e.g., scoring, penalty kick etc.)

3. User inputs, Loops & Conditional statements

Being used to design your game logics

4. Arrays (including an array of objects) and Pointer variable (*)

Must demonstrate how to use both primitive array data and an array of objects

5. Game logics (2 Semi-finals & Final game)

3 games.

6. Randomization for base scoring/performance

Review previous assignment (also next slide)

7. Adding Penalty kick mechanism

Computer vs. User choice. Make a game more fun and dynamic through a user interaction.

8. File generation (summary result output to both screen and txt format)

Generate a txt file to show the summary (winner, total score, MVP etc. Be creative)

Display ranking in sorted order.

You must submit one zip file including all your Java files (test it before you submit!) and one MS Word document (minimum 3 pages, name it as project_youLastnameFirstnameInitial.docx)

In your MS Word document,

A) Provides overall summary of your design approach

B) Summarize the highlights of your work including your unique design features

C) Indicates things/reason/constraints which you weren't able to accomplish (even if some of your program lacks required components, you may get some partial marks by explaining why/what went wrong).

D) UML diagram.

Please review all the specification describe -

Generate 2 semi-final games and one final game,

a) For the final game, two winning teams from the semi-final game should battle for the championship!

b) Using array(s) (1D or 2D), create minimum 4 teams, and define minimum 3 variables/factors characterizing team performance (i.e., Nationality reputation, Speed, Power, Injury, Teamwork and Star Player)

Game play interface: When two teams for each game are selected, you program must display both name of each country(or team) and name of all 4 players with each player's (minimum) 3 skill levels.

Also, when  the game ends, the game statistics/results should both  be displayed on the monitor and be generated as 'wcResult.txt' file showing the summary (3 games: score of each team from 2 semi-final games, and the final game) This topic (file read/write) will be covered next week.

Your program should display the record of all 4 teams, and output the team ranks in order based on each member variable, not total.  Also, calculate the total sum for each team, and show the winning team.  Also, try an extra factor (quality of star player)

Functions relate to game play:

a) Scoring (goal!) can be achieved by comparing performance of team players from two different teams:

b) Design functions relate to attack and defense functions.

Not all 4 players should get involved in attack or defense. Pick a random number of players who will be involved in attack and defense. Then compare their total skill sets on top of overall team reputation/performance. You must design your own formula to figure out combined skill sets of multiple players. Also, consider how you can incorporate overall team reputation/performance into player's performance.

Example: Assign a random value (1 as poor -5 as best) to 3 variables (speed, power, and/or teamwork) and 2 user entered values (Nationality and Star Player) relate to performance and apply these values to performance formula you designed (e.g. Performance = 2 x Nationality + Speed x Power + Teamwork + Star Player - injury) .

Could However, the magnitude of selected weight variable is not known to the user (Surprise! Apply random selected weight values for each team). If less than 1 (multiply this weight value to a selected variable; recalculation!), under performance than previous initial sum. If more than 1 (multiplied by weight >1), this special weight value introduced on one variable would perform better than the normal weight (1.0).

a. Design functions relate to penalty function as well as a function representing a unique skill to goalkeeper (e.g., catchingBall).

b. Design functions relate to foul, and receiving Yellow or Red card (Link explaining foul and yellow/red card from referee

1. Using array(s) (1D or 2D), create minimum 4 teams, and define 5 variables/factors( 3 random values and 2 value entered by a user) characterizing team performance (i.e., Nationality reputation, Speed, Power, Injury, Teamwork and Star Player)

2. To compare initial performance of each team, assign a random value (1 as poor -5 as best) to 3 variables (speed, power, and/or teamwork) and 2 user entered values (Nationality and Star Player) relate to performance and apply these values to performance formula you designed (e.g. Performance = 2 x Nationality + Speed x Power + Teamwork + Star Player - injury).

3. Team competition is based on the total sum of all member variables for each team. To make the game more engaging, apply one weight value directly to manipulate/change one specific member variable entered by the user(either speed, power or teamwork) affecting initial sum.

4. However, the magnitude of selected weight variable is not known to the user (Surprise! Apply random selected weight values for each team). If less than 1 (multiply this weight value to a selected variable; recalculation!), under performance than previous initial sum. If more than 1 (multiplied by weight >1), this special weight value introduced on one variable would perform better than the normal weight (1.0).

5. Your program should display the record of all 4 teams, and output the team ranks in order based on each member variable, not total. Also, calculate the total sum for each team, and show the winning team. Also, try an extra factor (quality of star player).

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Tags: Game Simulation Assignment Help, Game Simulation Homework Help, Game Simulation Coursework, Game Simulation Solved Assignments, UML Diagram Assignment Help, UML Diagram Homework Help

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C/C++ Programming: Assignment project based on mini team sports game simulation
Reference No:- TGS03027391

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