
Assignment on leadership


Theme One: A leadership approach is a way of looking at the world around us. Are you a leader? The point to the quiz below is to determine if you have a leader's perspective in your approach to situations and people. Take the quiz and share your ideas about the quiz and the type of results provided. The questions asked of you have several characteristics of a leader's attitude that have been researched to mark a leader rather than a follower.

Review the questions and list three characteristics the test examined. Share examples of questions that support your selections of characteristics.

Are you a Leader?

In the following quiz, you are evaluated in terms of the leader and follower relationship. Take the quiz and then share your thoughts on the quiz. Consider the focus of the questions and discuss whether there are times when a leader is also a follower? Be sure to use the course readings to support your answers.

Are You a Leader or a Follower?

5 Reasons Leaders Become Followers

Learning Activity 2 Theme Two: The Diamond Model of Leadership is the framework for the GDD's leadership picture because it presents a flexible model for effective leadership.

The Diamond Model of LeadershipAfter such an intense discussion of leadership models in week one you must be asking yourself why now are we hearing about the Diamond Model of Leadership if this is GDD's model? Well, the truth is no one leadership model works well for all people or situations. GDD favors this model for its working framework. Its use does not preclude the use of other models that may be complementary to you or GDD. The reason that the Diamond Theory is good for GDD is that it is flexible and it emphasizes people, situations, and strategies. The model combines many of the major precepts of the leadership theories while being applicable to leaders at all levels of an organization. The model is practical as well as theoretical. Set up like a diamond, Clawson's model shows how a leader interfaces with tasks, others and the organization to lead a group or company toward effective completion of the vision
Compare the Diamond model with two other leadership models and explain how the Diamond model fits the GDD leader the best. Support your reasoning with the course readings.



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Other Subject: Assignment on leadership
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