
Assignment develop a leading-managing professional guide

Assignment: Develop a leading-managing professional guide

Your task:

Step 1: Begin by ensuring that you fully understand the meanings and writing-styles of each of the three writing-aspects you are asked to complete for this assignment; that is: define, describe, discuss. There are numerous resources that can help you with being clear about what each writing-aspect entails; for example, type 'define, describe, discuss' into Google and then select one or two resources to expand your knowledge and abilities to professionally meet the requirements of Assignment.

Step 2: Working from the importance and value of more fully understanding various professional terms and concepts, we ask that you particularly focus on ECE whole settings, with leading, managing and administering as the frame of reference. You will note that four words/concepts have been selected from the EDEC324 unit Learning Outcomes. Your task is to create a Professional Guide with the following words as your first entries. Later, you may decide to continue adding to this Guide during the Trimester and beyond!

  • advocate - - being an advocate...
  • communication...
  • leading-managing...
  • organisation [some options: structure, climate, processes, meanings]

Hints: 1) Remember, like a glossary, dictionary and list of references, ABC order is the standard. Why? Because alphabetical order helps the reader locates one idea or concept from among many! 2) You might find it helpful to refer to some of the Teaching and Learning Support Fact Sheets, available at:


3) Overall for this assignment, YOU will define, describe and discuss each word/concept with relevant literature support in one page only; complete this process one word at a time.  Incorporate at least two references for each word/concept and be guided by the academic motto 'quote less - paraphrase more'; so that you are critically interrogating ideas with some comparison and contrasting of them.

Step 3: Begin by defining a word in two to three sentences. If you make use of a everyday or lay dictionary, then you must also provide an 'education-related' professional/academic definition (remember to reference appropriately).

Step 4: Now create 2/3 to 3/4 of a page describing and discussing the word/concept with the 'frame' outlined in Step 2 (remember to reference appropriately & remember that Steps 3 & 4 equal one page only for each word/concept).

Hint: remember that nothing is absolute, so qualifying ideas and at times comparing and contrasting various viewpoints can reflect conceptual diversity and complexity.

Step 5: Then on a second page, formulate a final paragraph of no more than half-a-page for the word/concept, with a brief explanation of how/why this word has professional leading-managing relevance and meaning for YOU now.

Step 6: Lastly and following your how/why paragraph, create YOUR working definition for the concept in one 15-20-word sentence.

Final hint: All the above means that each word/concept entry will cover less than two full pages; and, each entry will broadly build-upon meanings and principles of early childhood educational leadership. Additionally, parts of this assignment may be written in first-person.

Now, refer below to the template [briefly outlined above and more fully presented below] for the full layout of this assignment.

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Dissertation: Assignment develop a leading-managing professional guide
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