
Assignment description - you also need to discuss the coil

Assignment Description -

The project is to estimate a demand function for the yearly 2016 US coil industry

Sales = a - b x Price +c GDP

By estimation I mean that you will use regression analysis that we learned in Annex_1 and Annex_2 to find the numbers for a, b and c based on the data that you collect from GDP_Excel and Price_Excel

Then you will diagnose the results. By diagnose, I mean that you will look at the signs (+ or -) and compare with what you should expect from theory. E.g., Is b negative as it should be from demand theory? Also review R-square and the t-statistics for a, b, and c as well as the F-statistic for the entire regression.

You also need to discuss the Coil Industry used to estimate the Demand function for and describe each variable. And the Demand function. All of the above should be included in your report that should at least include:

1. Cover page with title, name date

2. Report that is organized by section (introduction,...., conclusion) and if you use references, obviously a references section is needed

3. 7 Page numbers, double-spaced and Times New Roman 12 point font.

4, Table or tables of results in the back of the report as annexes. Must include regression table and data in the excel as part of the report.

5. Although there is no mimimum or maximum, if you want a guide 4 to 7 pages should do it.

It would be ideal if you could collect 30 historic observations on sales, price and GDP for your regression, whether monthly, quarterly or annually. Load those data into EXCEL, estimate the equation and then write the paper.

6. The entire report, all materials such as graphs, ..., are to be you own and text is to be written in your own words. Quotes or outside material that are used are to be footnoted and discussed in detail. Any cut-and-paste or other uncited uses of another's work is an act of plagiarism and cheating and will be treated as such. "turnitin" software may be used to run a project report through to check to see if any works have been copied. Without citation. Unfortunately there have been a multitude of instances of such in the midterm examinations and i'm giving warnings and simply ignoring such material in the midterms for grading. The grading of all exams will be done within the next few days. I will not do so for the final examinations and project papers. Any such incidences will involve a grade of 0 for that document. Multiple instances will be considered an act of cheating and reported to the associate dean to adjudicate. Please ensure that the paper has no business slang (e..g."turn a profit", "in the red", ...), poor grammar, mis-spellings, abbreviations, and writing that reads like a text message.

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Managerial Economics: Assignment description - you also need to discuss the coil
Reference No:- TGS02753343

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