
Assignment constructing truth tables in this assignment you

Assignment: Constructing Truth Tables

In this assignment, you will construct truth tables and use them to assess the validity of arguments.

1. Premise: P → Q

Conclusion: ~P → ~Q

P Q P → Q ~P → ~Q
T T    
T F    
F T    
F F    

2. Premise: P → Q

Conclusion: ~Q → ~P

P Q P → Q ~Q → ~P
T T    
T F    
F T    
F F    

3. Premise: (P & Q) → R

Q → R

Conclusion: P → R

P Q  R P & Q (P & Q) → R Q →  R P →  R
T T T        
T T F        
T F T        
T F F        
F T T        
F T F        
F F T        
F F F        

4. Translate the following argument and use truth tables to test for validity.

"If 9 is less than 10 and every odd number less than 10 is divisible by 3, then 9 is divisible by 3. THEREFORE If 9 is less than 10 it is less than 10 it is divisible by 3."

N = "9 is less than 10"

O = "Every odd number less than 10 is divisible by 3."

D = "9 is divisible by 3."



5. Translate the following argument and use truth tables to test for validity.

"If it rains tomorrow, I will have a tough commute. If it snows tomorrow, I will have a tough commute. It will either rain or snow tomorrow. THEREFORE I will have a tough commute."

R = "It rains tomorrow."

S = "It snows tomorrow."

T = "I will have a tough commute."



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Other Engineering: Assignment constructing truth tables in this assignment you
Reference No:- TGS02640310

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