
Assignment composition and critical thinking develop

Assignment: Composition and Critical Thinking

Student Learning Outcomes

1. Write coherently organized analytical essays that demonstrate sound reasoning, the ability to clearly connect evidence to claims, advanced critical thinking strategies, and an understanding of conventions of scholarly discourse.

2. Use critical thinking and advanced research skills to illuminate various political, social, ethical, and philosophical ideas.

Course Objectives

1. Develop hypotheses inductively by observing examples, patterns of analysis and effective structures.

2. Develop hypotheses deductively by stating assumptions or inductively derived conclusions and substantiating them with adequate support leading to well-defined conclusions.

3. Identify ambiguities and recognize them when developing the premises of their argument.

4. Demonstrate the ability to suspend their judgments for a period of time, so that they can draw reasonable conclusions based on evidence and not on predetermined opinions.

5. Recognize fallacies in their own predetermined points of view and seek new positions that are more in line with prevailing evidence.

6. Avoid weak forms of argumentation that are based on fallacies, which are commonly found in both inductive and deductive reasoning.

7. Recognize and employ both inductive and deductive reasoning in writing. This includes the ability to distinguish between fact and inference, to recognize logical fallacies, and to identify and work with assumptions.

8. Determine whether the conclusions follow from, or are supported by, their premises.

9. Demonstrate the capacity to recognize and avoid the use of both stereotype and propaganda.

10. Avoid the use of informal fallacies and be able to identify vagueness, as well as clarify meanings.

I. Elements of the Course

A. Introductory Materials: There are 4 simple assignments that you are expected to complete before you do any of the other work in the course. For that reason, the module for week one will not open until you have completed them. They are meant to help me get to know you, help you get to know each other a bit, and to make sure you learn to navigate Canvas.

B. Reading Assignments: All readings will be posted or linked on Canvas as a way to keep your cost down. If you cannot access a reading for any reason, you must let me know ASAP so that I can help you solve the problem. Technological problems are not a valid excuse for incomplete work.

C. Discussion Posts and Peer Responses: You will be expected to summarize, analyze, and reflect on the assigned readings as assigned. Prompts will be provided for each post, but you should also use this space to write your own thoughts, feelings, and ideas about the texts. In addition to posting your response, you will read and respond to at least two peers' responses per prompt post. Late posts will not be accepted, as the discussion will move on. So get these done on time.

D. Essays: The essays are mandatory components of the class and you cannot pass without completing all four. As a result, I will accept them late, but you will receive a ½ letter grade deduction for each calendar day one is turned in past the due date.

Essays must be in standard MLA format:

- double-spaced,
- Times New Roman
- 1/2pt font
- include a heading in the left-hand corner
- page numbers in the upper right corner.

If you do NOT know how to do this, please see the MLA handout on the Canvas page.

II. If you are a student with a disability, please register with Services for Students with Disabilities (818 947-2681) to be eligible for academic accommodation.

The Writing Center is in LARC, 2nd floor. Free services are available there for all students. I encourage you to take your drafts to the Writing Center for additional feedback.

III. Email: Since email will be our primary communication method, you will need to check regularly. I will usually use Canvas to contact you, but I will also use the listserv through the college, so either check or forward your LAVC student email. Please email me from your student email address, or you can use Canvas to contact me as well. Allow me 24-48 hours to respond (although I will try to get back to you sooner as much as possible), especially if on a weekend. Use "Your Full Name," followed by "English 103" in the subject line.

IV. Drop/Add Policy: If you need to drop this class, do so before the last drop date.

Check the LAVC schedule of classes for dates. If you do not drop this class officially, you will receive an "F" for this class. It is your responsibility to keep track of those dates.

ADA Statement

If you are a student with a disability requiring classroom accommodations, and have not contacted SSD, do so in a timely manner. SSD is located in the Student Services Annex, Room 175 or call SSD at (818) 947-2681 or TTD (818) 947-2680 to meet with a SSD counselor. If SSD has already sent the memo to instructor confirming accommodations required by student for this class, please meet with me to discuss arrangements.

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