
Assignment bus441 2015a - select one of the given topic

Part -A

When writing your scholarly paper, please note the following guidelines:

Select one of the given topic areas below to write your scholarly paper no less than 1000 words (excluding the title page, bibliography and appendices). Please e-mail your professor an outline of this paper, prior to starting it. in addition to your primary text, you are required to use a minimum of five additional references from professional journals and book. to produce your scholarly paper.

1. Laboratory Learning from Chapter 9

2. Team Development from Chapter 10

3. Goal Setting from Chapter 12

4. High-Performing Systems from Chapter 14

5. The Corporate Culture from Chapter 15

6. Free Topic



1. Identify how team development techniques fit into an OD program.

2. Recognize team problems and why teams may not be operating at optimum capacity.

3. Experience the process of team development.


Team Development. Team development is a major OD intervention. It is a useful and successful vehicle for bringing about significant changes in a team. Team development includes outdoor experiential training, role analysis, and role negotiation Team development is used to increase the communication, cooperation, and cohesiveness of work teams, resulting in increased organizational efficiency. It is important to remember that team development is only a part of an organization-wide change program that values participation, collaboration, and the maximization of the use of human resources.

When to Use a Team. Not all work situations require the use of a team. Simple situations can be solved by an individual. The use of a team in a simple situation could actually impede organizational success. However, where complex situations predominate in a group's work, team development would be highly desirable. The problem-oriented situations that a work group faces require a finely tuned team, and the work group would greatly benefit from team development.

Problems of Work Teams. Problems inevitably occur when a group of people are brought together to work on a common project. Common problems center on differences in member needs, goal disagreements, norms, divergent points of view, different decision-making methods, different leadership styles and ways of administering direction, and too many or too few members.

Groupthink. Work groups can benefit from cohesiveness, but too much cohesiveness can be dysfunctional. When the need for uniformity within a group is greater than the need for high-quality decisions, the situation called "groupthink" occurs. Groupthink is a type of thinking engaged in by members of a work group when they are highly involved in a cohesive in-group and their striving for unanimity overrides the motivation to realistically appraise different courses of action.

Team Development Process. Team development is a process of education for the work team where the team learns new and more effective ways of operating. Team development meetings focus on the processes of how the team operates rather than the product or work of the team.

Outdoor Labs. Outdoor experiential laboratory training has become a common technique used for team development. The labs permit work teams to engage in team training away from the work site and engage in activities like rock climbing and white water rafting, which are very different from work. These situations seem to hasten discussion surrounding leadership styles, teamwork, and interpersonal relationships.

Role Analysis and Role Negotiation. Role analysis allows the participants to clarify their roles and relationships with one another. Role negotiation encourages participants to negotiate and arrive at an agreement on what they expect from one another.


1. Identify the characteristics of an effective team. Is a golf team really a team, or just a group?

2. Identify and give examples of ways of increasing team effectiveness.

3. Identify the symptoms of groupthink. Explain how groupthink can be avoided through team development.Please answer 3 questions. All questions carry equal marks.

Part -B

Please do not write over 2000 words for the entire assignment.

1. Define and discuss importance of organization culture.

2. Managerial effectiveness, managerial efficiency, and motivation climate are three basic organizational dimensions affecting performance that OD programs are aimed at. Define these three dimensions.

3. Explain what a sociogram is and how it can be used to collect data on a work group.

4. Name several major factors to consider in the selection of an OD intervention.

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HR Management: Assignment bus441 2015a - select one of the given topic
Reference No:- TGS02229492

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