Assignment Instructions
Assignment: Based on the information provided in the proforma statement attached below, compute the Net Present Value, the Internal Rate of Return, the Cash Payback and the Accounting Rate of Return (CO 6). (Hint: Depreciation is not a cash item)
Instructions: Prepare the homework in the template below. Save your assignment file as 'LastnameFirstinitial-FINC300-5", and submit by 11:55 pm ET, Day 7.
Your assignment will be graded according to the following Grading Rubric:
Homework Problems Grading Criteria
- Assigned exercises/problems are completed in full.
- Work demonstrates effective application of the concepts/principles covered in the chapter.
- Work thoroughly explains answers and calculations.
- Solutions are calculated with no errors or insignificant errors.
- Assigned exercises/problems are completed in full or are significantly complete.
- Work demonstrates effective application of most concepts/principles covered in the chapter.
- Work thoroughly explains most answers and calculations.
- Solutions are calculated with insignificant errors.
- Assigned exercises/problems are mostly complete.
- Work demonstrates effective application of some concepts/principles covered in the chapter.
- Work explains some answers and calculations.
- Solutions are calculated with significant errors.
- Assigned exercises/problems are fairly complete.
- Work demonstrates effective application of a few concepts/principles covered in the chapter.
- Work explains a few answers and calculations.
- Solutions are calculated with significant errors.
- Assigned exercises/problems are less than 50% complete.
- Work does not demonstrate effective application of the concepts covered in the chapter.
- Work submitted does not thoroughly explain answers and calculations.
- Solutions are not calculated or are calculated with significant errors.