Analyze the value of including a model (a model simplifies representation or abstraction of a reality) in a decision support systems (DSS).
Introduction: Decisions are not made in a vacuum; the Chairman of Federal Reserve Ben Bernanke, who is the most powerful man in the world in the financial arena, realizes any decision made by him not only affects the U.S. economy but also the entire world's economy.
Knowing this adds to the pressure for him to apply checks and balances in decision making and to minimize any errors. In this type of situation, it is extremely critical any DSS be evaluated to ensure the system does not contain errors that could misdirect a decision.
Assignment: Analyze the value of including a model (A model simplifies representation or abstraction of a reality. It is generally utilized to analyze decision-making situations.) in a decision support systems (DSS).
Write a 2-3 page paper showing your research on the value of including a model in a decision support system (DSS). Include links, references, and sources you have used and follow the proper APA guidelines.