
Assignment analyze 5 different companies regarding csr

Corporate Social Responsibility

Assignment: Analyze 5 different companies regarding CSR compliance according to the instructions below.

Due Date: Wednesday, April 25th, 2018, in class.

Mandatory meeting: April 2-6

Size: around 15 pages long (without cover page and reference page)

Font and size: Times New Roman, 12.

Mandatory parts:

1. Cover page (centered) (5pts. for professional delivery)


Corporate Social Responsibility

Prof. Chelminska

Cottey College

Spring 2018

Student's Name

2. Short introduction to the paper/ abstract(more than half a page)

Ø Why are you writing this paper?

3. Short history of each company (each at least a page)

Ø When it was established?Who established it and why? (What market niche the owner wanted to satisfy?)What products or services it is providing?Additional information if necessary

Ø CSR involvement:When and why the firm implemented CSR? Company's CSR structure. Is CSR aligned with the firm's strategy? Is there CSR Officer, Vice Director of CSR, etc. How is CSR implemented into the company's operations?

4. EVALUATION: MOST IMPORTANT SECTION!!!(each company around 2 pages)

Ø Evaluate each company's CSR involvement using theories/concepts/models discussed in class.

Ø Be specific. Provide specific initiatives and outcomes.

Ø Be consistent how you evaluate each company. Each business needs to be evaluated in similar manner. 

Ø The more information is included and explained, the better.

Ø Student can provide as many examples of CSR initiatives/ programs/ activities as she wants, however, each example has to be explained by providing information listed below:

i. Name/title of the program/initiative

ii. Who is in charge of the program (if it is given)

iii. Activities

iv. Goals/targets of that program/initiative

v. Outcomes - support/opinions

Ø If some information is not given about the CSR initiatives, mention it in the footnotes.

5. Conclusion

Ø Possible conclusion statement:

"Based on the information provided above, it can be concluded that XYZ Company has/ has not successfully implemented CSR perspective in its operations."

Ø Overall world/society/activists/economists/politicians' opinions

Ø Student's opinion (do not use "in my opinion," "I think," and etc.)

6. Reference (on separate page)

Ø APA style


Ø Sources have to be cited in paper wherever they were used.

Ø Provide Table of Contents and References pages.

Ø Refer to The Scott, Foresman Handbook for Writers to seek assistance.

7. General suggestions:

Ø Indent every paragraph.

Ø Student can include subtitles for better distinctions of provided information/materials/opinions.

Ø Above list provides the required content that must be included in the paper.

Ø Going beyond is welcomed and desired

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Business Management: Assignment analyze 5 different companies regarding csr
Reference No:- TGS02857774

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