
assignment 44 communicating an argumentthis

Assignment 4.4: Communicating an Argument

This assignment supports the following lesson objective:

  • Discuss the role critical thinking and analysis play in effective writing. 

Assignment Overview

  • This writing assignment requires you to argue for a solution to a problem. 


  • 2-3 page paper, double-spaced, in a standard 12-point font. 

Introduction w/thesis, body paragraphs with strong topic sentences and a conclusion. (Refer to Essay Organization Flow Chart in Module 2.)

Please format your paper according to MLA style. (Refer to OWL at Purdue website.)

Activity Details

Perform the following tasks: 

  • Step 1: Comple a writing assignment. 
    Write an argumentative paper in which you establish a problem that needs to be solved, clarify the issues involved, and offer solutions for the problem.
    • Don't forget to use your writing process: Prewrite, Plan, Draft, Revise, and Proofread.
    • Choose a topic that you can handle in 2-3 pages. You might: examine time-management issues where you work, explore conflict management issues, discuss traffic or parking problems,or analyze work-place safety.
    • Your solutions don't have to be perfect, and you can offer interim or partial solutions to your selected problem. Your solutions, however, should be practical: solving overcrowding on your bus by giving everyone a car is not a practical solution.
    • YOU DO NOT NEED RESEARCH.  However, if you utilize sources, please follow correct MLA citation and utilization of source material (for example, quotation marks for direct quotations). Make sure you have both proper in-text parenthetic citations and a Works Cited page.
    • As a reminder, do not use Free essay websites or websites offering "Homework Help."

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