
assignment 41 academic writingthis assignment

Assignment 4.1: Academic Writing

This assignment supports the following lesson objective:

  • Describe academic writing and the academic language.

Assignment Overview

  • This practice exercise examines academic writing.


  • Rewritten paragraphs.

Activity Details

Perform the following tasks: 

  • Step 1: Using a word processor such as MS Word, rewrite the following paragraphs using language common in academic writing.

    Example: A touch of "color engineering" can make a product or ad look spiffy and sharpen its emotional appeal.

    Revision: Using the technique of "color engineering," manufacturers and advertisers can heighten the interest of consumers in a product.
    1. The Three Tissue Systems of a Plant The cells of a plant have three tissues: dermal, vascular, and ground. Each is throughout the plant. But they come in different places. We will explain all three from a young plant with bark. The dermal is like skin on your body. The vascular is the part that puts food in your mouth. And the ground is the part that stores, supports, and makes it green.
    2. Cultural Differences in Friendship Hey, it's true. Your friendships and how you look at them depend on your culture. For example, in the U.S. you can be friends with someone, yet not really be expected to go and party with them. Many Middle Easterners, Asians, and Latinos would consider going out of their way a cool and essential thing to do for friends. If you are not willing to sacrifice for your friend, then that person is not really your bud.
    3. Computer Crime The term hacker used to mean a person with lots of computer smarts, but the term has taken on a more sinister meaning due to true computer criminals. However, most times hackers do not try to steal your money or land. But they create fake accounts and destroy or change files. They think it's funny to mess up your e-mail. Or they want to show off or bug people they don't like. They have invaded Web sites and put dumb jokes on them. They think of their activities as mere pranks.
    4. Family-Based Groups In some societies, the family is the "top dog." An individual's acceptance in society is based on the family's wealth and status, rather than the individual's achievement. Because the family is so "tight," those outside the family are distrusted. In China and southern Italy, families are like a clique. They take care of their own. So companies made up of relatives are more successful than those with a bunch of people who aren't related. This makes it difficult for big companies to make much "moola" in those countries.
    5. Alcoholism and the Learning Model Alcoholism is more likely to occur in societies that forbid children to drink but where it is okay for adults to get drunk (Ireland), than in societies that teach children how to drink responsibly (France, Greece). In cultures with low rates of drunkenness, adults drink and introduce kids to drinking at the family dinner table. Alcohol is not used to mean you are now grown-up, nor is it associated with being the "big man." You don't laugh at people who don't drink, and you don't think getting drunk is cute, funny, or manly; people who get bombed are considered dumb and obnoxious.


Describe academic writing and the academic language 


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English: assignment 41 academic writingthis assignment
Reference No:- TGS0487477

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