
Assignment 3 is designed to introduce you to the skill of

Expectation: 800-1000 words (plus title page and References), using APA Style.


Assignment 3 is designed to introduce you to the skill of writing a research paper, in this case, a literature review. This assignment uses an abridged, or shortened, format of a formal research paper, which is quite different from a journal article critique. For a research paper, you compile information that addresses a research topic or question. You are required to cite four research articles from journal databases in your research paper. For the assignments in this course, all citations should include page numbers or paragraph numbers.

The paper must be an original work: that is, not copied from someone else, and not used in this course in a previous registration or in any other course taken at Athabasca University or elsewhere. Otherwise, this constitutes plagiarism and academic misconduct. Please review the Plagiarism & Academic Integrity section of the Assignments prior to starting your research paper.


Your research paper should be 800-1000 words (3-4 double-spaced pages), and must be written in APA Style (6th ed.), using Times New Roman 12-point font size, and one-inch margins all around. You are required to include the author, date, and page or paragraph reference for all citations. In your References list, you must include the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) or URL (if a DOI is not available). For information on how to locate a DOI, how to cite sources, and how to develop a References list (as well as other critical APA Style information), review the APA Tutorial. Where available, you should always use the PDF version of the referenced/cited article. 

The format and structure for your research paper is different than for the critiques. For the paper, the main information is gleaned from each of the 4 article's introduction, discussion, and conclusions. You then compile the information that addresses your research topic/question. Your personal thoughts must be backed up your reference sources - otherwise, use the 4 articles to direct your line of thought. Review the sample research papers on the course website - these will guide you in formatting your paper.

Your research paper must be submitted online via the course website, using the appropriate assignment dropbox. Please submit your assignment as , , or files. Do not submit your papers as , , or documents, as your tutor will not be able to open and/or grade them efficiently or completely.

Topics/Research Questions

For this assignment, a list of potential topics/research questions that correspond to the textbook chapters are provided. To get the most out of this assignment, choose a topic that you want to learn more about. You may develop your own research question (not from the list), provided that you get your tutor's approval beforeyou begin writing your paper. Given that there are no rewrite opportunities, this is an important step. Even if you choose one of the research questions provided, you are strongly encouraged to communicate with your tutor to ensure you understand the process and requirements.

Reference Sources

Because this may be one of your first research papers, four suitable articles have been provided for each research question. You may use

  • all of these articles, OR
  • four other suitable articles chosen from peer-reviewed journals (which can be accessed via theAU Library journal databases), OR
  • a combination of the articles provided and other suitable articles (at least four total).

You must use peer-reviewed journal articles for this assignment. Do NOT choose information from consumer or public education websites (e.g., fact sheets, Wikipedia, etc.), as these are known as tertiary sources (see APA tutorial). The articles from these sites may not be research-based or peer-reviewed, and are not considered reliable academic sources. Using such materials will seriously affect your grade. Follow your tutor's guidelines on selecting appropriate, valid, and reliable materials.

Your course textbook may be used as a fifth resource, but only as a supplemental source of information. Your primary reference material should come from the journal articles.

It is your responsibility to access the AU Library (or other library) to find and access your articles. Please consult the AU Library Journal Search Tutorial for assistance in learning to use the Library online to find your resources. If you require further assistance, you can contact Library staff through the information found in theStudent Manual: Library Services. While the Internet can be a valuable information source, vetting the credibility of the source is very important. Information from public education websites (e.g., community education sites, blogs, Wikipedia) are not usually appropriate research-based academic sources. If in doubt, contact your tutor to help assess the suitability of your sources.

Topics/Research Questions 

The suggested article list does not provide links to the articles. Whether you use these or other appropriate articles, you will need to access the AU online or other journal database. The AU Library provides a Journal Title List Tutorial to help you navigate, access, and download the articles you need from the AU online journal database.

Each chapter is presented with a number of research questions, each of which has a number of suggested research articles. The list of research questions can be found below. The same list of questions plus the supporting articles can be found on the next pages (organized by chapter). Alternatively, you may click on your question of choice to provide a link to the page with the relevant article resources.

Chapter 9: Intelligence and Psychological Testing

1. What past and present controversies relate to intelligence tests? What factors may affect test results?

2. What is the relationship between creativity and intelligence? What roles do creativity and intelligence play in vocational success?

3. What are the problems and possibilities of psychological testing?

4. What does research suggest about the genetics of intelligence for humans?

5. What does research suggest about intelligence in other species?

6. Chapter 9 Articles

For your references, you will also need to include the DOI or URL (if a DOI is not available). See the APA tutorial.

1. What past and present controversies relate to intelligent tests? What factors may affect test results

2. What is the relationship between creativity and intelligence? What roles do creativity and intelligence play in vocational success

3. What are the problems and possibilities of psychological testing

4. What does research suggest about the genetics of intelligence for humans

5. What does research suggest about intelligence in other species

10: Motivation and Emotion

1. How does the sexual content found in current media affect people in different age groups?

2. What factors influence sexual orientation in men and women?

3. How do psychological factors contribute to hunger? How do these factors affect eating disorders, such as bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa?

4. What is positive psychology? What does research indicate about human happiness?

5. What does research say about the development and expression of human emotions?

6. Chapter 10 Articles

For your references, you will also need to include the DOI or URL (if a DOI is not available). See the APA tutorial.

1. How does the sexual content found in current media affect people in different age groups

2. What factors influence sexual orientation in men and women

3. How do psychological factors contribute to hunger? How do these factors affect eating disorders, such as bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa?

4. What is positive psychology? What does research indicate about human happiness

5. What does research say about the development and expression of human emotions

Chapter 11: Human Development across the Life Span

1. What are the effects of daycare on the attachment process? What are the patterns of attachment and their effects on adult relationships?

2. Piaget is considered one of the leading pioneers in child cognitive development. What is the current thinking about how children develop cognitively?

3. How has current research in Alzheimer's disease advanced our understanding of the aging process?

4. What are five (5) categories of activity for toddlers that are, according to Parten (1932), increasingly social in nature? How do these patterns shift as children grow older?

5. What does research say about moral development?

6. Chapter 11 Articles

For your references, you will also need to include the DOI or URL (if a DOI is not available). See the APA tutorial.

1. What are the effects of daycare on the attachment process? What are the patterns of attachment and their effects on adult relationships

2. Piaget is considered one of the leading pioneers in child cognitive development. What is the current thinking about how children develop cognitively

3. How has current research in Alzheimer's disease advanced our understanding of the aging process?

4. What are five (5) categories of activity for toddlers that are, according to Parten (1932), increasingly social in nature? How do these patterns shift as children grow older

5. What does research say about moral development

Chapter 12: Personality: Theory, Research, and Assessment

1. How does Freud's psychodynamic theory of personality compare with humanistic theories of personality?

2. Are personality traits inherited? What are the strengths and limitations of the research evidence?

3. How does Skinner's behavioural (learning) theory of personality compare with biological theories of personality?

4. Is the evidence of heritability of personality solid enough to withstand scientific scrutiny?

5. What does research say about how parents affect the development of children's personalities?

6. Chapter 12 Articles

For your references, you will also need to include the DOI or URL (if a DOI is not available). See the APA tutorial.

1. How does Freud's psychodynamic theory of personality compare with humanistic theories of personality

2. Are personality traits inherited? What are the strengths and limitations of the research evidence

3. How does Skinner's behavioural (learning) theory of personality compare with biological theories of personality

4. Is the evidence of heritability of personality solid enough to withstand scientific scrutiny

5. What does research say about how parents affect the development of children's personalities?

Chapter 13: Stress, Coping, and Health

1. How do children's reactions to traumatic events differ from the reactions of adults?

2. What effects does stress have on psychological functioning (e.g., burnout and PTSD)?

3. What are the effects of stress on physical health (e.g., coronary heart disease and immunological disease)?

4. What does research say about effective psychological approaches to limiting smoking, and the abuse of food and alcohol?

5. Chapter 13 Articles

For your references, you will also need to include the DOI or URL (if a DOI is not available). See the APA tutorial.

1. How do children's reactions to traumatic events differ from the reactions of adults

2. What effects does stress have on psychological functioning (e.g., burnout and PTSD)

3. What are the effects of stress on physical health (e.g., coronary heart disease and immunological disease)

4. What does the research say about effective psychological approaches to limiting smoking, and the abuse of food and alcohol

Chapter 14: Psychological Disorders

1. What does research indicate about clinical depression? What are the implications for treatment?

2. Weiten and McCann (2013) claim that schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and depression are the three serious psychological disturbances that are identifiable in all cultures. What does research say about the prevalence of these conditions across cultures?

3. What does research indicate about the similarities and differences of onset of childhood and adult phobias?

4. What does research indicate about psychopaths?

5. Chapter 14 Articles

For your references, you will also need to include the DOI or URL (if a DOI is not available). See the APA tutorial.

1. What does research indicate about clinical depression? What are the implications for treatment

2. Weiten and McCann (2013) claim that schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and depression are the three serious psychological disturbances that are identifiable in all cultures. What does research say about their prevalence across cultures

3. What does research indicate about the similarities and differences of onset of childhood and adult phobias

4. What does research indicate about psychopaths?

Chapter 15: Treatment of Psychological Disorders

1. How do behavioural therapies compare with client-centred therapies in the treatment of psychological disorders?

2. What factors led from institution-based to community-based facilities in the treatment of mental illness? What effects did this have on mentally ill patients?

3. Weiten and McCann (2013) believe that therapists must use both creativity and scientific thinking. What does research say about effective therapists? What skill sets would be required to ensure that a therapist is both a scientist and a practitioner?

4. How have psychodynamic therapies changed since Freud's time?

5. What does research suggest about the effectiveness of psychotherapies for various problems?

6. Chapter 15 Articles

For your references, you will also need to include the DOI or URL (if a DOI is not available). See the APA tutorial.

1. How do behavioural therapies compare with client-centred therapies in the treatment of psychological disorders

2. What factors led from institution-based to community-based facilities in the treatment of mental illness? What effects did this have on mentally ill patients

3. Weiten and McCann (2013) believe that therapists must use both creativity and scientific thinking. What does the research say about effective therapists? What skill sets would be required to ensure that a therapist is both a scientist and a practitioner

4. How have psychodynamic therapies changed since Freud's time

5. What does research suggest about the effectiveness of psychotherapies for various problems?

1. How has research on conformity, compliance, and obedience informed us about these factors in real-world situations?

2. What is the relationship between attitudes and behaviours? Is attitude a good predictor of behaviour?

3. Harari and Kaplan (1982) summarized research that shows that people who are taller, are of healthy weight, make eye contact, have good posture, wear nice clothes, have common first names, have non-ethnic last names, and have higher-status occupations are generally rated more favourably than those who do not have these traits or advantages. What does more recent research say about how we perceive people?

4. Why are people willing to help in non-emergency situations but not in emergency situations (known as "bystander apathy")? What characteristics of each of these situations contribute to action or inaction?

5. What does research suggest about how people attribute causes and reasons to their own and to other people's behaviour?

6. Chapter 16 Articles

For your references, you will also need to include the DOI or URL (if a DOI is not available). See the APA tutorial.

1. How has research on conformity, compliance, and obedience informed us about these factors in real-world situations?

2. What is the relationship between attitudes and behaviours? Is attitude a good predictor of behaviour?

3. Harari and Kaplan (1982) summarized research that shows that people who are taller, are of healthy weight, make eye contact, have good posture, wear nice clothes, have common first names, have non-ethnic last names, and have higher-status occupations are generally rated more favourablythan those who do not have thes traits or advantages. What does more recent research say about how we perceive people?

4. Why are people willing to help in non-emergency situations but not in emergency situations (known as "bystander apathy")? What characteristics of each of these situations contribute to action or inaction?

5. What does research suggest about how people attribute causes and reasons to their own and to other people's behaviour?

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