
Assignment research task - investigate the different


This assignment is an overview of the concepts, technologies and design techniques required to build dynamic websites and web-based applications.


Activity 1.1 - Web page validation

Copy and paste the html code given into the W3C validator. Click the "check" button and examine the results.

Activity 1.2 - Designing websites

Do a search of the internet for different kinds of websites. Try doing a search on "web templates", "best website designs", "best html5 websites, to get an overview of the range of website designs available.

Select one of these websites and create a site-map and wireframe diagram to match the site.

Assignment & Research task -

1. Investigate the different types of website that are possible and the design choices that work for these websites.

2. Review the project brief (Project 1 stage 1 - requirements analysis).

3. Discuss with a range of people (classmates, facilitator, business acquaintance) some ideas for your project.

4. Outline your project proposal (Project 1 stage 1 - requirements analysis).

Discussion -

1. Search the web for examples of websites and discuss options for your project. Make reference to the types of websites (e.g. shopping cart, brochure site, portfolios); the purpose and functionality of a website (e.g. data storage requirements, payment facilities).

2. Select examples of website designs you particularly like and discuss what aspects of the design appeals to you (refer to the type of navigation (horizontal /vertical,) type of grid patterns, colour schemes, resolution, etc). Select examples you don't like and discuss your reasons.

3. Discuss some of the constraints likely to need consideration for the website you are considering (i.e. consider accessibility, standards, operating systems, hardware, target audience, etc).

4. Research website accessibility. Discuss the measures you would need to ensure accessibility.

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: Assignment research task - investigate the different
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