Assignment - topics for research paper - comparative

Assignment - Topics for Research Paper

- Globalization

  • Countries/Industries are affected
  • Positive cases
  • Negative cases
  • Some facts and figures are required with your analysis

- Terms of Trade

  • Facts and figures
  • Which area are increasing/decreasing
  • Between Australia and China, Japan, UK, US, Germany, India, Indonesia, Korea.
  • Factors affecting this trade

- Subsidies in Agriculture, Car industry and Solar energy/wind

  • Positive aspects
  • Negative aspects
  • 2 to 3 countries and 1 or 2 industries

- Small countries with less population and GDP have been benefited with trade

  • 2 to 3 countries
  • Industries
  • Affect on GDP/Standard of living

- Comparative advantage

  • Explain the reasons
  • 2 to 3 countries and 1 to 2 industries
  • Some facts and figures

Structure of the Research Paper -

Introduction - which topic 300 words

Body- Discuss the topic in the article and with some theory -2400 words

Conclusion 300 words.

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Management Theories: Assignment - topics for research paper - comparative
Reference No:- TGS02559694

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