
Assignment - research paper - develop a business strategy

Assignment - Research Paper Requirements

This project will allow you to work on your research and writing skills while learning more about a relevant ethical and legal topic in depth. You are to choose a topic on law that is related to two or more of the Course Objectives:

A. Analyze and apply appropriate ethical theories to shape a business decision given an organizational requirement to conform business practices to both the law and best ethical practices.

B. Develop a business strategy in a corporate liability case arising from the sale of defective and dangerous products. This includes ethical considerations to minimize liability for claims of product liability and breach of warranty.

C. Define and develop elements of a contract and determine whether a duly formed contract is enforceable under the common law or Uniform Commercial Code.

D. Develop strategies to minimize risk, create value and manage legal disputes for business leaders.

The paper should be neutral in its stance. Each project must discuss the relevant facts, ethical implications, the applicable law(s), a court's decision and rationale (if relevant), and the student's analysis of all parties involved. You should include a brief summary from your point of view, and, cite portions of relevant statues, regulations or cases that support your point.

Possible Topics -

Any other legal and ethical topic approved by the Professor in advance. Please choose any legal topic you are interested in researching and learning about.

Affordable Care Act. How can a manager develop strategies to minimize risk, create value and to manage the legal hurdles embedded in this new law?

Privacy as a constitutional right. Is there really an inherent right to privacy? What does the right entail? Analyze privacy in the workforce and how an organization's policy should conform to the law and best ethical practices.

Uniform Commercial Code. Define and develop elements of a contract. When is a contract enforceable under the common law or Uniform Commercial Code?

The Patriot Act - Is the federal government overreaching its powers? What are the ethical implications for the Patriot Act?

The Arthur Andersen accounting firm dissolution - Did the Justice Department act appropriately and ethically? What is the current environment for both accounting firms and clients?

The Enron scandal and legal/ethical/financial impacts. There are numerous other firms that have participated in various accounting frauds and other scandals You can present a paper on WorldCom, Global Crossing, Tyco, etc.). What business strategies can a leader develop to minimize risk and legal issues related to future financial scandals?

The Terri Shivo case - Did the federal government and/or state governments overstep their powers? What were the ethical and legal issues?

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Business Law and Ethics: Assignment - research paper - develop a business strategy
Reference No:- TGS02790372

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