
Assignment - management of security operations - in your

Assignment - Management of Security Operations

The purpose of this exercise is for you to think extensively about the management of security.

Suppose that your company, SenAd, provides advice for seniors who are retired or contemplating retirement. Here are some of SenAd's characteristics.  This list is not complete; you may add characteristics and assumptions of your own as long as they are consistent with these, and you tell us what they are.  SenAd...

  • provides financial advice
  • advises on appropriate places to live
  • advises on age discrimination laws
  • uses face-face meetings in company offices, at home visits, online advice, and advice via telephone.
  • Includes interviews with family members under various circumstances.
  • employs analysts who work in all parts of the globe. For example, analysts in Australia keep cost-of-living data up-to-date in various parts of the world by integrating We-based data.

Part 1 - Once the new version of SenAd is installed, a significant part will execute on computers within the company. In your view, what are the three most important security issues for managing its ongoing operation? Explain your reasoning and what other issue you considered but rejected for the two most important. Make your reasoning as specific to SenAd as possible.

Part 2 - Describe the following in a paragraph or two each.

1. Three good examples of potential disasters for SenAd

2. The three most significant ways in which SenAd should be organized for IT disaster recovery

3. An appropriate organization for decision-making at SenAd disaster time

4. Priorities for IT asset recovery at SenAd

5. Three of the first steps you would take to convince SenAd management to fund disaster preparedness.

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Management Theories: Assignment - management of security operations - in your
Reference No:- TGS02485793

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