
Assignment - instruction document for excel spreadsheet you

Assignment - Instruction document for Excel Spreadsheet

You should organise your spreadsheet with a title page and menu, with links to the key areas/ worksheets as follows:

Identification: The title of the spreadsheet, who created it, what it was created for, the date of creation and the date the spreadsheet was last altered.

Documentation: Including instruction on how to use the spreadsheet, limitations, and assumptions. Demonstrate UNDERSTANDING AND RESPONDING TO NEED by explaining how the spreadsheet is used, with specific reference to the user's needs, and any particular insights that can be achieved by using the model.

Data: A clear LAYOUT and clear labels are important. Much of the data may be assumed (in which case make sure that this is made clear), however, there should be at least one link to the external source of data (live, with the ability to update, or static as a means of authenticating the data).

Workings: Workings should be presented separately. This will make the user interface less cluttered and easier to understand. It also allows any complex calculations to be clearly explained, and therefore AUDITABLE. All formulas should be ACCURATE. There should be no numbers included in formulae - it should all be based on links to the data so that your model will be FLEXIBLE.

Input/Output: Here the focus should be on organising the input and output cells for USABILITY. LAYOUT and USABILITY are particularly important in this area.

In building these sections of your spreadsheet model pay particular attention the following principles of good spreadsheet design (see further Excel Fundamentals.doc in the assessment tab on Blackboard).

Understanding and Responding to Need: The user's need is summarised in the identification page, and then related to the use of the spreadsheet model in the documentation. The documentation also relates features of the model to the user's needs.

Accurate: No errors in formulae. All spelling is correct.

Usability: Instructions, limitations and assumptions clearly specified in the documentation page. Clear labelling throughout. Model is organised, or Excel functionality is included, to make it easy and efficient for the user.

Flexibility: Data can be easily changed without compromising the model's integrity. Model signals if the relevant range is exceeded (either through limits on input values or messages contingent on output).

Auditable: Explanation for workings. Use of cell labels so that formula can be read. No numbers typed directly into formulae.

Layout: Use of the separate areas/ worksheets. Structure of the input/ output areas so that the effects of changes in input can be seen in the same view as the input.

In the documentation area/ worksheet provide a table with each of these principles in the far left column and showing the excel function or design characteristic that supports that principle and another column with the cell reference(s) or area where it can be found.

Principle Excel

Function or design characteristic that demonstrates that you have incorporated the principle

Cell reference(s) and link

Excel functions:

Data labelling; Links to external content; Conditional formatting; At least one appropriate graph; Data input with a dropdown list; Data input with error messages for unacceptable input; If statement; A menu with hyperlinks

Excel Functionality: In addition to the Excel functions listed above, an appropriate Excel function is identified and integrated into your model. Note the Excel function that you have included, and the reason for its inclusion, in the Documentation.

Maroochy Fashions

Maroochy Fashions is a small local firm that designs and markets fashion surfwear. They are currently planning to launch a new t-shirt design and are making some important decisions. They are concerned about the impact of their decisions on the environment. They have asked you to create a spreadsheet that can be used to test the effects of their decisions, and use your model to recommend an initiative to reduce environmental impact.




Cotton %

Synthetic %


NSW, Australia



Victoria, Australia






Local only



Local Store







Possible Impacts
Fuel consumption
Water use
Emissions (e.g., CO2)
Land Use

Your group is required to choose an impact to focus on. Create a spreadsheet to determine the impact across the product's lifecycle. The Model should then allow you to test the effect of alternative choices for a particular decision.

In your presentation you should identify an initiative for reducing the environmental impact. Use your model to demonstrate the effect of your initiative and discuss the insights that come from your model, specifically, and Life Cycle Analysis generally.

You are encouraged to keep the model relatively simple - focus on principles, good design, flexibility, and usability so that the model can be extended after the proof of concept has been established (see the marking rubric). Data can be sourced from the internet and reasonable assumptions can be made. Note that if the model is correctly structured assumptions will be easily tested, changed, and updated.

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