
Assignment - development of technology-based resource

Assignment - Development of technology-based resource

Description/Focus: Develop a technology-enhanced resource for teaching mathematics.

Instructions -

Create a technology-enhanced resource for teaching number to children in upper primary years. You are encouraged to do this as a wiki or Webquest. If you wish to use a different form of technology please consult with your lecturer. The task should build on the hypothetical learning trajectory described in Assignment 1, and may span another learning area such as science.

The primary aim of the resource is to create a technology-based learning environment that engages students in meaningful social interaction around significant mathematical concepts. It should embody aspects of generative task design discussed during the unit. It should not encourage an environment in which students are passive recipients of teacher knowledge.

Although there is no set length for this assignment it should cover a sequence of between 3 and 8 lessons. It should focus on the development of a relatively small but highly focused aspect of mathematics, with sufficient detail to make it clear how the resource enhances student learning.

Cross-reference the resource to relevant content descriptions in the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics. This should be done in the form of a teachers' page which described how the chosen activities will achieve the desired learning outcomes.

Note that a PowerPoint presentation is not acceptable. While PowerPoint files may be included as part of the resource they should be used sparingly.

You will use this resource and the feedback from it to inform the lesson play in Assignment 3. Where possible, you should develop a resource that can be used and assessed in one of your professional placement units.

Assessment criteria:

  • Appropriateness of task in generating significant mathematical activity in the primary classroom;
  • Appropriateness of task in addressing outcome or content description from the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics;
  • Creativity and innovation evidenced in the task;
  • Technological competence; and
  • Application of Hypothetical Learning Trajectory in task design.

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Dissertation: Assignment - development of technology-based resource
Reference No:- TGS02736195

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