
Assignment - critically evaluate the suitability of

Assignment -

Purpose of this Assignment - This assignment addresses the following of the module's learning outcomes:

1. Critically evaluate the suitability of enterprise systems and their alternatives in contemporary business environments.

2. Synthesise a strategy for an enterprise system within a given business environment.

3. Review as a member of a team a given problem posed by an enterprise systems case study, and as a team make meaningful recommendations towards its solution

Doing the Warehouse Management field to investigate.

Context of this Assignment - This assignment consists of you engaging with your fellow students on the module as a team, but you will contribute your own distinct component as the basis on which you will be individually assessed. If you all contribute equally you will be awarded the group (i.e. team's) mark. This assignment is made up of number of components that will be outlined below.

Ensure that you have read this entire document carefully so that you fully understand the requirements.

This assignment is Task 2. It is the second out of the two assessments for this module. The other assessment is Task 1 the Phase Test, which will also help you gather the technical knowledge for this assignment. Together these assignments make up the module's total assessment.

Assessment Breakdowns -

This assignment gives you the opportunity to reinforce your theoretical knowledge of enterprise systems and its practical application in SAP S/4 HANA using the case study 'Global Bike Inc.' or 'GBI' for short. This case study was previously described by Magal and Word (2012). While SAP has advanced since then-particularly from ERP to S4/HANA and SAP GUI to SAP Fiori-Magal and Word remains a useful background reference, in the same way you were asked to look at the historical context of enterprise resource planning systems. Armed with this knowledge, you are now able to critically evaluate the suitability of enterprise systems and their alternatives in contemporary business environments. From your critical evaluation you will be able to synthesise a strategy for an enterprise system within a given business environment. To help you achieve these outcomes, you will articulate the SAP GBI case study according to the leading and best enterprise systems practices of LEADing Practice (www.leadingpractice.com) and the Global University Alliance (GUA, www.globaluniversityalliance.org) as leaders in this field.

As well as the SAP enterprise system implementation of GBI that you are now deeply familiar with, is an overview of the case study. You are already aware of as the existing comprehensive model of the case study using the ARIS software . Given that GBI demonstrates SAP's large-scale, real-world capabilities, you will choose a subset of the GBI case study. That subset consists of The Central models in ARIS plus ONE of GBI's functional areas in your group i.e.:

  • Controlling (CO)
  • Financial Accounting (FI)
  • Human Capital Management (HCM)
  • Material Management (MM)
  • Production (PP)
  • Sales and Distribution (SD)
  • Warehouse Management (WM)

You will work in teams of four students (unless otherwise agreed with your tutors). You will also discuss your work with the whole class to share thinking and learn by teaching others, who will check and query and update your understanding thus learning by teaching too i.e. the learning pyramid. This agile, iterative approach will ensure that you best understand your functional areas including their context in relation to all the functional areas. Without this context yours will make less sense, and your work will suffer. For this reason the marking will expect you to have gone through this process, so working on your own without communicating with your team or the class will count significantly against you.

The assignment is to produce and submit a coherent, stand-alone timed PowerPoint presentation (i.e. one where you do NOT actually present it in person, and one that will run without the audience having to intervene with mouse clicks to move the presentation along). It will cover all the areas in the table below for your central models and functional area. Remember the example case studies that you've been working on in class and in your own time, as they will help you understand what is required in this assignment.

Blaise Pascal once wrote, "I am writing you a long letter, because I haven't got time to write you a short one." There is thus a maximum time limit for the total presentation of 20 minutes, which will be strictly adhered to.

The sections and corresponding mark breakdowns are as follows:

More details about each section are given as follows.

Section A: Introduction

In this section you will provide an overview of your work. You should BRIEFLY explain who you are (i.e. your individual names and your team name), what you are going to do, and how you will do it. The Introduction should be concise and informative, and encourage the audience to pay attention to the remainder of the presentation. There are no marks for this section, but it is still a requirement of the assignment. Ensure that your names and student numbers appear clearly on the title slide.

Section B: BPMN Model in E+

Based on your deep understanding of the case study, the central models and your functional area, for this section you will produce one or more BPMN diagrams using the E+ software tool. You will compare your BPMN model to the ARIS models, and highlight where you find any improvements to those models.

Section C: Mapping to E+'s Meta-objects

In this section you will connect your BPMN models drawn in E+ above to the underlying reasoning capability within this tool, to demonstrate how such tools may automate your models and provide insights that the manually produced models you have created thus far may have missed or misinterpreted. To help you achieve this, take the following steps for your functional area:

a) Identify the meta-objects, their stereotypes, types and subtypes (if needed) that are relevant to your functional area

b) Present your findings in a table, using the following column headings:

a. Level 1 (meta-object)

b. Level 2 (stereotype),

c. Level 3 (type), and

d. Level 4 (subtype), as needed

c) Add the relevant meta-object icon to each object in your BPMN and UML models

d) Check that the semantic relations between each of your meta-objects supports the relationships between the objects in your BPMN models

e) Justify or update your BPMN model in the light of any added insight that the semantic relations give you from the previous step

f) Map your resulting models to the Enterprise Navigator, in the same way that the ARIS models are mapped to Enterprise GPS

In the Appendix you will find Figure 1, Figure 2 and the discussion helpful for this section and elsewhere. You may find von Rosing et al. (2016) useful too.

Section D: UML Model in E+

Based on your mapping to E+'s meta-objects through the above steps, you will produce a UML class diagram for the central models and your functional area, again using the E+ software tool. Present your class diagram as a directed graph using the semantic relations that you identified from the previous section as the relations between your classes. You will compare your UML model to the ARIS models, and highlight where you find any improvements to those models.

Section E: Conclusions

In this section you will conclude your work, bringing together the threads of all the other sections and the clear message of your work explicitly relating to each of the learning outcomes given at the beginning of this assignment brief. This is NOT simply a list of steps that you have taken to complete the assignment. An interesting and informative conclusion will set a positive light in which the rest of your work will be re-read. Therefore, as with any aspect of your work, do not rush this at the end.

Section F: References

You must list all your references that you cited throughout this work. You should cite the reference at the time on the appropriate slide, and provide slides giving your Reference listing at the end of presentation. The reference list is not subject to the time restrictions given in this assignment.

Section G: Presentation Style

Not surprisingly, your work will also be assessed for the quality of its presentation throughout. Ensure your work is coherent and lucidly conveyed in the PowerPoint presentation in the time you are given. Make appropriate use of PowerPoint's sequencing and animation facilities. Do not cram your slides with, say, small point text (such as text that is less than 20 point) or line spacing that is less than 1. Use a sensible font, and avoid using poor combinations of text colour and background e.g. Red text on a green background. Use clear expressive language and images to support your arguments. These suggestions are not exhaustive; use your common sense!

We look forward to seeing your insightful, interesting, well researched presentation.

References - Magal, S., Word, J. (2012). Integrated business processes with ERP systems (in print or Safari books online with both versions available via the library). Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley von Rosing, M., & von Scheel, H. (2016). Using the Business Ontology to Develop Enterprise Standards. International Journal of Conceptual Structures and Smart Applications (IJCSSA), 4(1), 48-70. doi:10.4018/IJCSSA.2016010103 (and available via RLO in BB referred to earlier).

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