
Assignment - construction systems - identify appropriate

Explain design decisions of selected construction system and detailing strategies

Aim: to determine appropriate roof/wall/floor systems to enclose space surrounding designated portions of your nominated project by examining the case studies and learning resources provided. You must demonstrate how and where aspects of the construction systems can be integrated into the design, according to the design type and focus.

Learning Outcomes

1 Identify appropriate construction, environmental and technological systems for application in the design of a medium scale, clear span project

2 Synthesise information relevant to construction, environmental and technological systems required at relevant stages of design of a moderately complex medium scale project

3 Evaluate and integrate appropriate construction, environmental and technological systems in a medium scale, clear span project


This assignment is concerned with the direct relationships between structure, materials, means of construction and architectural design.

At the end of this project we expect that you will be able to demonstrate:

- Your understanding of construction and environmental and technological systems for architectural projects

- Your ability to carry out design development for a portion of the assigned project that integrates resolved structural systems and selected materials into the design, according to the project type and design intent;

- Your awareness and command of methods of architectural communication.


You are required to reconsider the original design intent of the nominated project, and re- design an appropriate roof/wall/floor system that encloses a significant public space within the project. Significant changes must be made to materials and structural systems of the nominated project, in response to a shift in design intent.

Your submission is expected to contain the following:

- Written text (max 1500 words) and diagrams explaining the Construction System and its application to your nominated project, supported by and referenced to a review of current literature, regulations and building standards (using A3 Advisory Note template).

- A series of A1 drawings and detail drawings (2d and 3d) investigating the Construction Systems and their interaction with the architecture of your project.

This project will involve reviewing and re-assessing the main construction elements of the project - the roof, the walls, and the floors - and integrating these elements in to a complete and integrated system.

It is recommended that you consider the following as a minimum in your submission The roof:

- Will provide shelter from the rain and the sun for the building.

- Will not be made of tensioned fabric.

- may provide sky-lighting if appropriate.

- Will be coordinated with wall system. You must demonstrate the manner in which the roof system uses the wall system for structural stability, if at all.

- will not incorporate a "space frame" or "space grid" structural system.

The walls:

- Will integrate with the roof and floor systems.

- The walls may be opaque, translucent or transparent or a combination thereof. Selected materials will suit the design character of the assigned project and the needs of the related architectural space.

- Will connect to the underside of the roof if and as required in an appropriate manner.

- Will be coordinated with roof and floor systems. You must demonstrate the manner in which the wall system uses the roof and floor systems for structural stability.

- Openings must be provided and detailed for views outwards and for people to walk through.

The floors:

- Will integrate with the wall systems.

- Will include a ceiling system

- Will provide a stable surface to accommodate the function of the building

- Will connect to the walls if and as required in an appropriate manner.

- Will be coordinated with wall system. You must demonstrate the manner in which the floor system uses the wall system for structural stability.

- Openings may be provided and detailed for floor-to-floor access for peoples and services.

Important Notes

You will be responsible for design developing the major construction systems of the building only. All other aspects of the project (siting, spatial relationships, size and volume of spaces), are beyond the scope of this project.

In order to progress you will need to make some assumptions that may not have been supported by the available documentation of your project. These must be clearly stated.

In designing and exploiting the properties of your materials and construction systems you are encouraged to consider the impact on a number of critical factors - aesthetic, financial, environmental, cultural, time for example - and determine your priority.

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Dissertation: Assignment - construction systems - identify appropriate
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