Assignment- simislipunfinished and simrrmunfinished

Assignment- sim_islip_unfinished and sim_rrm_unfinished are to be completed which has certain areas add code here. You have to add code in that respective part and AT LAST COMBINE all four islip ,pim, fifo, rrm together to generate 1.jpg.

i need exact 1.jpg to be generated.

i need within 1 delay also...

Read the paper for fig 5 if u have doubts

if u can generate the same figure 100%

Artilce- The iSLIP Scheduling Algorithm for Input-Queued Switches by Nick McKeown


IN AN ATTEMPT to take advantage of the cell-switching capacity of the asynchronous transfer mode (ATM), there has recently been a merging of ATM switches and Internet Protocol (IP) routers [29], [32]. This idea is already being carried one step further, with cell switches forming the core, or backplane, of high-performance IP routers [26], [31], [6], [4]. Each of these high-speed switches and routers is built around a crossbar switch that is configured using a centralized scheduler, and each uses a fixed-size cell as a transfer unit. Variable-length packets are segmented as they arrive, transferred across the central switching fabric, and then reassembled again into packets before they depart. A crossbar switch is used because it is simple to implement and is nonblocking; it allows multiple cells to be transferred across the fabric simultaneously, alleviating the congestion found on a conventional shared backplane. In this paper, we describe an algorithm that is designed to configure a crossbar switch using a single-chip centralized scheduler. The algorithm presented here attempts to achieve high throughput for best-effort unicast traffic, and is designed to be simple to implement in hardware. Our work was motivated by the design of two such systems: the Cisco 12 000 GSR, a 50-Gb/s IP router, and the Tiny Tera: a 0.5-Tb/s MPLS switch [7].


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Computer Networking: Assignment- simislipunfinished and simrrmunfinished
Reference No:- TGS01392042

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