Assign each of the following to a category of GDP. Assume products are made domestically unless indicated otherwise:
You buy a car
- Consumption
- Investment
- Govt. Purchases
- Imports or Exports
A bakery buys a new oven
- Consumption
- Investment
- Govt. Purchases
- Imports or Exports
You get a haircut
- Consumption
- Investment
- Govt. Purchases
- Imports or Exports
Your town buys a fire truck
- Consumption
- Investment
- Govt. Purchases
- Imports or Exports
You buy shoes made in Thailand
- Consumption
- Investment
- Govt. Purchases
- Imports or Exports
The Federal Government builds a bridge
- Consumption
- Investment
- Govt. Purchases
- Imports or Exports
A private hospital buys a new MRI machine
- Consumption
- Investment
- Govt. Purchases
- Imports or Exports
You stay in a hotel in Italy
- Consumption
- Investment
- Govt. Purchases
- Imports or Exports