
assessmentthis includes the data collection


This includes the data collection (nursing history and physical assessment), comparison of data with the normal, and analysis of the data gathered. Systematic and thorough data collection is the first goal of the nurse when initiating the nursing process. It should include the client's biophysical, psychosocial status and for the older child, spiritual status. Now let us see what actually is assessment.

Nursing Assessment

You will agree with us that nurses should have ability to observe intelligently and systematically. It is a fundamental requisite in nursing assessment and is also essential in all subsequent steps of the nursing process.

  1.  Assessment is a two step process that enables the nurse to identify the client's needs and problems. 
  2.  These two steps are as follows: 

Step I: Data gathering
Step 2: Problem identification.

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Biology: assessmentthis includes the data collection
Reference No:- TGS0176394

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