assessmentthe project reports will be evaluated


The project reports will be evaluated in three areas:

Accuracy and completeness of computations

You have to get the analysis right and you have to develop a plausible argument to "prove" that your analysis is correct.

Interest of study and insight into relevant phenomena

The purpose of computation is to gain insight. It is not sufficient to simply develop analysis tools. It is important to use them to discover something about the problem you are solving. Each student will explore a unique aspect of the subject problem.

Quality of the report

Communication of ideas is important. The aspects that are part of the quality include English usage, report layout, and presentation of graphics. Ultimately, the report has to convey an idea in a way that the reader can easily appreciate. The reports do not need to be long, they need to be good. The computing projects provide a distinctly different opportunity, compared with the examinations, to demonstrate your mastery of the ideas covered in the Module.

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Application Programming: assessmentthe project reports will be evaluated
Reference No:- TGS0443166

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