
assessment task this term assessment will require

Assessment task This Term Assessment will require you assess the effectiveness of your current lunch budget and prepare a proposal to your caregiver to seek permission to be given this money directly and for you to manage your our lunch budget.This will allow you to show how you can bring in changes to your family budget.You will be required to make a list of most essential food items that are needed in your daily Lunch boxes. Following are the steps that you need to do• Write a list of items of the food items in their lunch each day for the duration of a week.• Price the items and determine the daily and total cost for the week and then the average per day (you need to look at the grocery bills)• YR 8 – need to ask caregiver for their budget to work to – daily allowance and weekly all together. You can use your PE plan.• Prepare an alternative menu that must maintain the amount of food given by caregiver. You also may wish to consider healthy options to strengthen your proposal.• Prepare your alternative menus budget and make comparisons (weight, rubbish, individual prices and the overall budget)• Potential savings and calculate interest over a year.• Present your proposal to your caregiver. Please make sure that you are considering a rubbish free lunch box. Due dates Check point 1 Week later 28th May Lunch log Menu designed Prices calculated for one week''s lunch and morning tea - Monday to Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Lunch Log Cost Lunch Log Lunch Log Lunch Log Lunch Log Morning Tea 1.2..... Lunch 1.2..... Fraction of the money spent per day from the total per week

New Proposed lunch menu with costs Part two of the assignment Menu Price Menu Price Menu Price Menu Price Menu Price Morning Tea Proposed 1.2..... Lunch Proposed 1. 2...... Total Price for the day Fraction of the total amount used for the week used Percentage of the total amount used. Any other calculation Year 8 budget comparison Steps taken to reduce rubbish Final Submission by 5th June• Log of your lunches (1x week)• Items cost• Yr 8s only – budget from caregiver• Proposed lunch menu (1x week) and itemised costs• Solve math applications in table and show working• solving the problem step by step, and support every step with full working and explanations evaluation of your work and reflect on your learning for this assessment Year 8 -You need to show evidence of your understanding of at least two from decimals, fractions , percentages of quantity and integers to pass this assessment. Year 8 WAME Excellence You have: • submitted a detailed menu for the week with prices calculated with the working steps shown • solved problems that involve decimals and justified your working steps • solved problems that involve fractions and justified your working steps •solved problems that involve percentages and justified your working steps • solved problems that involve Integers, ratios and justified your working steps

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Mathematics: assessment task this term assessment will require
Reference No:- TGS0155056

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