
Assessment task no 2 group report and presentation this is

Question: Assessment Task No 2: Group Report and Presentation. This is an overview of the assessment task and expectations of students to successfullycomplete the task.

Requirements: Working in groups of 4, select an organisation operating in the tourism andhospitality sector by agreement with your lecturer and identify the elements of diversity thatare relevant to this operation. This business could be large or small, but must be agreed toby your lecturer as suitable for analysis for this project. Review this organisation in terms ofit's approach to managing key elements of diversity amongst its workforce and itsclient/customer base. Explore to what extent you would consider this organisation to besuccessful in dealing with diversity and provide recommendations on how the organisation'sapproach to diversity could be improved. You will need to prepare a report to address the questions above, which will include a reviewof the diversity concepts that are relevant, in addition you need to research the organisationand report on the types of diversity issues they may have both from an employee andcustomer/client perspective. In addition, your group will need work together to prepare and present a 10 to 15 minutesummary of your report, presenting the most interesting and insightful elements. Alternatively, this may be done as a video, as long as all group members must participate inthe process. All group members must be present and participate on presentation day or topresent the video. Criteria used to grade this taskThe criteria for the assessment task are:

• Brief description of the organisation

• Discussion of the areas of diversity that are relevant to the business both from anemployee and client/customer viewpoint (note this should not be a cut-and-pastefrom their website, but a developed understanding of the business and the issues itfaces in terms of diversity).

• Exploration of approach currently taken by the organisation in managing diversity,including examples of positive and negative actions taken.

• Presentation of at least two strategies the business could implement to improve theirdiversity practices

• Standard of writing of the essay, including grammar, clarity of language, structure,citation technique (APA style), referencing, and quality of insights generated.

• Quality of presentation, including teamwork, content presented, and use ofpresentation technique.

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Management Theories: Assessment task no 2 group report and presentation this is
Reference No:- TGS02450347

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