
Assessment task - identify and critically appraise theories

Topic - Effective management in health subject

Assessment task 1 - Management Case Study

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this subject, students should be able to:

1. identify and critically appraise theories of management in order to locate management issues as they arise;

2. demonstrate a knowledge and comprehension of theories of personal development towards effective leadership;

3. demonstrate a knowledge and comprehension of personality differences in perception and decision making in the health care sector;

4. recognise and analyse personal changes in relation to health care settings as well as respond to change within the organisation and changing management goals within the organisation;

5. critically evaluate multi-cultural factors in health care settings;

6. plan the effective use of personnel's time for individuals and groups within the work environment;

Task Description

This management case study can be on any topic you choose. It could relate to an issue or problem in your workplace that you wish to address or it could be about implementing an improvement in clinical care or management practices.

The Report must be in official Report format with an Executive summary. a Literature Review, a statement of Recommendations with Rationales (list of Problem Solving Strategies), and a Conclusion.

The educational objective for this assignment is that the students will be able to comprehend the structure of official documents that are submitted to senior level committees, and will be able to construct one if requested in the correct format and use it to positively influence health management and clinical practice.

Please ensure that your report includes the following:
- An Executive Summary (this should provide an overview of the report and describe a clear purpose of the report).
- A Literature Review (including an overview of your search strategy and a discussion of the literature on the relevant topic or topics). Literature can include published research, government reports, policies and procedures and other relevant texts.
- A statement of recommendations with rationales (and problem solving strategies if appropriate). This might take the form of a discussion but needs to make clear recommendations that relate to the purpose of your report with rationales.
- A conclusion
- A reference list.

Assessment task 2 - Reflective Journal

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this subject, students should be able to:

1. identify and critically appraise theories of management in order to locate management issues as they arise;

2. demonstrate a knowledge and comprehension of theories of personal development towards effective leadership;

3. demonstrate a knowledge and comprehension of personality differences in perception and decision making in the health care sector;

4. recognise and analyse personal changes in relation to health care settings as well as respond to change within the organisation and changing management goals within the organisation;

5. critically evaluate multi-cultural factors in health care settings;

6. establish effective channels of communication with senior health sector personnel to assist professional networking and effective leadership;

7. plan the effective use of personnel's time for individuals and groups within the work environment;

Task Description

Select incidents from the present or the past and 'journal' these incidents fully in a diary. You may journal one (1) important incident that has made an impact on you personally, or you may journal an ongoing process at work as it unfolds.

Analysis of Journal
The analysis of the journal involves identifying the major and minor themes that can be identified within the journal. For example, you may identify a personality clash as a major theme and then identify anger and anxiety as minor themes.

The journal is a record of your reflections. As such it should include your thoughts on the incidents, your feelings and your insights through the analysis of the incidents.

Linking to Theory
When the themes have been uncovered and you have discussed these in relation to your thoughts and feelings you should try to locate these themes in the literature of theorists - publications from texts and journals. Does the theoretical information support your feelings about the incidents?

The Journal ideally should be formatted at the beginning of the semester and then make your entries each week. Your entries should include incidents you have encountered that have good, neutral or bad outcomes together with a critical discussion of the entry.
Each student will design their own Management Journal.

The student is expected to record evidence of their learning. This evidence may include critical management incidents, a brief case study, research of a particular practice issue, meaning of new management techniques, and/or professional development. The evidence provided by the student within this section should be that they have implemented a critical thinking approach to their nursing management, and can demonstrate their decision making (recognising and defining a problem, gathering relevant information, generating possible conclusions, testing possible conclusions, and reaching appropriate decisions).

The student should reflect upon their experience within this study management theory and practice, and provide a statement in regard to what personal attributes they have gained during study. A reference list shall be submitted at the end of the Management Journal.

Assessment task 3 - Presentation - Video

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this subject, students should be able to:

1. identify and critically appraise theories of management in order to locate management issues as they arise;

2. demonstrate a knowledge and comprehension of theories of personal development towards effective leadership;

3. demonstrate a knowledge and comprehension of personality differences in perception and decision making in the health care sector;

4. recognise and analyse personal changes in relation to health care settings as well as respond to change within the organisation and changing management goals within the organisation;

5. critically evaluate multi-cultural factors in health care settings;

6. establish effective channels of communication with senior health sector personnel to assist professional networking and effective leadership;

7. plan the effective use of personnel's time for individuals and groups within the work environment;

8. effectively establish goals and set priorities through Operational and Strategic Planning scenarios.

Task Description

Provide a Vimeo presentation of the case study (assignment 1) or management journal (assignment 2) to a potential audience of fellow students and colleagues. The presentation should use multi methods of delivery including: visual, digital story approaches and other forms of digital media.

Evidence provided by the student within this section will include that they have implemented a critical thinking approach to their management, and can demonstrate their decision making (recognizing and defining a problem, gathering relevant information, generating possible conclusions, testing possible conclusions, and reaching appropriate decisions).

The development and presentation of an online Video is a key skill and learning outcome.

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Dissertation: Assessment task - identify and critically appraise theories
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