Compare and review between: The Model of Human Occupation Screening Tool (MOHOST) AND the Occupational Circumstances Assessment-Interview and Rating Scale (OCAIRS). You are expected to complete a literature search to find relevant literature about the two assessment tools.
PART A : Please use the guide/headings provided below to evaluate each assessment separately:
1. Provide the assessment title and authors (Correctly identifies assessment, including version, authors, publication details).
2. Give an example of a clinical question that may be addressed by the assessment
3. What type of assessment is it (e.g. screening, criterion referenced, norm referenced, standardised interview, clinical observation, self-report, checklist etc)?
4. What is the purpose of the assessment as stated in the assessment manual and the literature provided? (predictive, discriminative, descriptive, and evaluative)
5. Comment on the assessment’s clinical usefulness (population for whom the test was developed, ease of use, time taken to complete the assessment, in which fieldwork settings might it be used)
6. Construction of the assessment (design/format, number of items included, subscales, scoring method used, sensitivity)
7. Standardisation of the assessment (Is the assessment standardised, how – procedures, norms, training for therapists in conducting the assessment etc.)
8. Reliability of the assessment (inter-rater, intra-rater, test-retest, internal consistency, alternate form, split-half reliability)
9. Validity of the assessment (face, content, construct, criterion, concurrent, predictive, convergent/divergent, discriminative, factorial)
10. Does the assessment require specialised skills of the assessor (e.g., certification, practice, complex scoring, interpretation of procedures, etc.)?
11. Does the test manual provide adequate direction in terms of scoring procedures, interpretation of the scores and directions for therapy?