
Assessment - social media marketing plan - choosing a

Assessment - Social Media Marketing Plan

Table of Contents

Executive Summary (do this very carefully, on a separate page)


Situational Analysis

Proposed Target Audiences, Strategy, Goals

Action Plan (including content plan)


Reference List (ensure all references are cited)

Drawing on the concepts, skills, techniques and learning of the course, plus personal experiences and observations, you are an expert Social Media Consultant required to develop a Social Media Marketing (SMM) Plan for an organisation which either has no SM presence or a poor one. Alternatively, your plan could focus on an existing (or newly-launched) product or brand within the organisation. The term 'product' is used in its widest sense and includes physical goods, services, destinations, people, ideas etc. The organisation may be a business or not-for-profit organisation. It should have at least 5 employees or a minimum turnover of $0.5m and can be chosen from:

- A company/business you are familiar with through current or previous employment

- A product or brand discussed in class

- A company/business of interest, even if you have had no direct connection

- A current high-profile company (e.g. featured in business press)

It does not have to be Australian but, if it is an overseas company, it must have a website and/or social media presence expressed in English with appropriate referencing. It should be chosen because it has little or poor current SM presence and you consider it needs to implement an SMM plan to become more relevant in today's world.

You should avoid choosing a multi-national organisation unless you focus on a single country where they have a presence. If it is a very large company, you should focus on a single business unit to be realistic.

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Reference No:- TGS01676703

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