
Assessing the network for potential risks


Reflect on the following in a minimum of 300 words each (4 X 300 = 1200 Total).

Complete your reflections by responding to all prompts.

Network Risk Assessment

Assessing the network for potential risks is part of the responsibility of providing network services for a company and usually falls to the IT manager. Along with identifying risks, it is important to document how to mitigate these risks from occurring.

Reflect on the following questions for the network at an organization you worked for or this school's network and answer:

  • What are two major risks that exist in the network?
  • How can you mitigate these risks as an IT manager?

Legal and Ethical Concerns for Big Data

IT managers play a major role in how companies handle and protect their customer data.

Reflect on how companies have been acquiring and retaining much larger amounts of data on their customers.

Identify one ethical consideration and one legal consideration related to retaining large amounts of data in an ERP, CRM, or SCM system.

Additionally, select a recent large data breach and discuss one ethical consideration and one legal consideration related to it.

Mobile computing, E-commerce, and Social Networking

The one constant with IT technology is that it is always changing. Your company is considering adding each of the following to its business.

Reflect on each as an IT manager and outline the important considerations for a business' IT infrastructure when adding the items and their potential impact on network usage:

  • Mobile computing
  • E-commerce
  • Social networking

Metrics for Measuring IT Operations

Businesses have been using metrics to help justify their business processes for many years. IT has also developed suggested metrics to help determine the effectiveness and efficiency of IT operations.

Reflect on the following:

  • What two metrics do you recommend IT managers evaluate to identify potential improvements in their IT operations?
  • How will these metrics improve performance?
  • Also, what metrics can IT managers share with the senior managers at their business to show the efficiency of the IT department?

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Computer Networking: Assessing the network for potential risks
Reference No:- TGS03163022

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