
Assessing the hiring maturity curve from the talent makers

Assignment task:


Generally, many organizations can have their hiring practices categorized within one of the four Hiring Maturity Curve stages - from the least organized to the best organized, the stages are chaotic, inconsistent, systemic, and strategic.

Place yourself in the position of an HR manager at an organization struggling to meet hiring demands; you have noticed executives have started asking you to provide very detailed information regarding hiring activity such as the total number of interviews conducted on a weekly basis, and other very specific hiring and recruiting activity. You begin to grow confused as to why executives are asking for this type of very specific information.

Post a Response:

After assessing the Hiring Maturity Curve from the Talent Makers textbook, respond to the following:

Evaluate why executives might ask for this type of information.

How might trust play a role in this evaluation?

Recommend actions that might help ease executive concerns.

Recommend methods to move past the chaotic stage toward the strategic stage; for example, how might creating a pipeline and instilling confidence aid in this transition?

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Other Subject: Assessing the hiring maturity curve from the talent makers
Reference No:- TGS03441287

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