
Assessing the genitourinary and reproductive systems

Assignment Task: Human Case

For this week, you explore how to assess problems with the genitourinary and reproductive systems with an i-Human Patients Assignment. -- Ihuman.

I-Human Patients Case Study: Assessing the Genitourinary and Reproductive Systems

Patients are frequently uncomfortable discussing with healthcare professionals issues that involve the genitalia and rectum; however, gathering an adequate history and properly conducting a physical exam are vital. Examining case studies can help prepare advanced practice nurses to accurately assess patients with problems in these areas.

For this i-Human Patients Case Study Assignment, you will examine and work with a patient with a condition of the genitourinary and/or reproductive system. 

Access and review this week's i-Human Patients case study. Based on the provided patient information, think about the health history you would need to collect from the patient.

Consider what physical exams and diagnostic tests would be most appropriate to gather more information about the patient's condition.

Reflect on how the results would be used to make a diagnosis.

Identify three to five (3-5) possible conditions that may be considered in a differential diagnosis for the patient.

Consider the patient's diagnosis. Think about clinical guidelines that might support this diagnosis.

Develop a treatment plan for the patient that includes health promotion and patient education strategies. Looking for Assignment Help?

In the case scenario, a 62 years old man came in reason for encounter, I Am Peeing All The Time. We need a H & Physical for this patient to lead us to Differential diagnosis. The History possible question is limited to 90 questions.

Example Step one start by asking:

1) How are you today?

2) Do you have any other symptoms or concerns we should discuss?

In the History of present Illness we should use the mnemonic (OLDCARTS)

When characterizing symptoms ask questions base on building a differential diagnosis

Consider asking also questions about the patient's perspective example. Tell me how that make you feel. How does this affect your life? What symptoms is the most distressing for you

Step 3: No charts considering asking past medical social and other questions

For a patient with a chart, still update allergies, medication OTC, drugs update all major changes in living situation death of a partner, loss of Job etc.

For the Physical Exams, I will need direction to perform relevant assessment related to the original complaint and Differential diagnosis

 Always select the heart and lungs,

Select other relevant physical exams relative to your differential diagnosis and patient finding

Perform neurological exams select relevant exams with cranial nerves or each deep tendon reflexes, range of motion

Problem Statement


Plan - Soap note

Pharmacological therapy supportive, education including instruction to follow, risk benefits.

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Reference No:- TGS03451144

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