Assessing the effectiveness of the teaching

Assignment task: Response to following post using the ABC approach:

  • Acknowledge classmates' posts.
  • Build upon these posts by providing additional details, statistics, ideas, personal perspectives, or links to interesting, relevant articles.
  • Conclude with a question or new idea to further stimulate the discussion.

Effective teaching/learning should incorporate some form of measurement to gauge if learning objectives were met (Oermann & Gaberson, 2021). The Kirkpatrick Evaluation Model is a well renowned tool to conduct evaluations of teaching/learning experiences (Reio et al., 2017). The model consists of four levels of evaluation: reaction, learning, behavior, and results (Reio et al., 2017). The first level assesses the student's reaction to the training (Reio et al., 2017). The relevancy of the information presented and how engaging the teaching/learning strategies utilized are evaluated during this level of the model (Reio et al., 2017). The second level consists of evaluating if students learned new information (Reio et al., 2017). This can be achieved by a pre- and post-test methodology. The third level of evaluation is assessing if the students can apply what they learn into practice (Reio et al., 2017), essentially the integration of knowledge into practice. Lastly, the fourth level of evaluation assesses if the training and other levels of learning achieve organizational success (Reio et al., 2017). Healthcare systems may use dashboards and other data to assess if the teaching/learning impacted organizational outcomes.

This evaluation model is very helpful to the author as a new educator in assessing the effectiveness of the teaching/learning experience. It includes various levels of measurement, which all inform the instructor of success or opportunities to improve the teaching/learning experience. Results from the evaluation can aid the instructor in improvement of curriculum design and effectiveness of the author's instruction. For example, if students felt that the instruction was not engaging or pertinent to their roles, the instructor can utilize that information to make changes to the next assignment, module, or course.

Practically speaking, knowing that this model is a well-known and an effective evaluation tool informs the author that it is valid and valuable to use (Jones et al., 2020). It also informs the author that it is being used by other educators, otherwise it would not be well-renowned. The author should incorporate the Kirkpatrick Evaluation Model into curriculum design, to assess the various levels of learning. The higher levels provide data that is seemingly more important and collective, versus the lower levels which are on the individual student's level. A post-test can assess relativity and engagement to meet level one. It can also assess if the student learned new knowledge by giving a pre-test, meeting level two evaluation. During clinicals or simulated experiences, or even case studies, the author can utilize strategies to assess for integration of knowledge, the third level. Organizationally, the author can facilitate organizational success by evaluating data, such as pass/fail data.


Jones, C., Randall, S., & Fraser, J. (2020). Evaluation of nursing training using Kirkpatrick's model: A mixed-methods approach. Sage Research Methods Cases: Medicine and Health. Sage Publications, Ltd.

Oermann, M. H., & Gaberson, K. B. (2021). Evaluation and testing in nursing education (6th ed.). Springer Publishing Company, LLC.

Reio Jr., T. G., Rocco, T. S., Smith, D. H., & Chang, E. (2017). A critique of Kirkpatrick's Evaluation Model. New Horizons in Adult Education & Human Resource Development, 29(2), 35-53.

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